Saturday, November 18, 2017

Following God

One theme I have found here at college is how often people pray that God would speak to them. I hear that prayer so much here, yet I wonder if people actually heard God, how many of them would be willing to do what he says. I recently ran up to this just the other day at praise and worship.

I was worshiping and I prayed that very common pray, "God please speak to me." Then out of no where I had this urge to leave the front row of praise and worship and go stand in the balcony. I was hesitant at first because I was in the front row and it would be awkward to just leave the front row, but after some inner debate, I walked to the balcony and worshiped from there for the rest of the time. It was awkward as i was walking and then finding a spot on the balcony was weird for me. 

However, that move had a bigger application later on. There was a time during the praise and worship where we were to talk to those around us about what we wanted to surrender to God. My roommate came out of no where, for she had came late, and she shared some stuff she was going through and had a really good prayer in the middle of worship. Looking back, that moment would not have happened if I hadn't left what was comfortable and walked up to the balcony. 

So many times we ask to hear God's voice, but I feel like so many times we hear it but we don't act on it. If we aren't going to do the things God asks of us, then why would he speak to us if he knows we will just ignore him. So what if instead of praying "God speak to me," we pray for the courage and faith to follow his leading, even when it is uncomfortable, and then we might just start hearing God's voice. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for always being there, even when we disobey what you ask of us. Lord I pray that I will have the faith to follow where you call me, and to trust that no matter how uncomfortable it may seem, that you are working for the good in my life. Amen

Saturday, October 7, 2017

What is my Why? Part 3 - Theology

The last main reason why I choose to continue to go to this school, is the greater learning of theology concepts. I do have the basic knowledge of my faith, but I have never been able to articulate it that well. That is the reason for my second major, Christianity and Pop Culture. I am learning how to talk of theology and faith in a public square.

Two classes I am taking this semester are Church in Culture and Theology in Public. These classes are very similar, and the both emphasis that there are multiple ways to engage with culture and share the gospel, because there is more to it then walking up to someone and just spilling the gospel and then they magically convert to Christianity. It does take more than that, more finesse, and more knowledge of the culture the person lives in and the beliefs that they already hold. Just learning of the little nuances has been eye opening.

Along with general theology, Dordt has been amazing on helping my faith life grow. The biggest way this happens is through relationships with roommates and friends on campus. There is conversation about faith and about personal struggles, that never happened back in high school. It is really nice to have those relationships, and to be challenged to grow in my faith everyday.

Those are the three main reasons why I chose Dordt, and why I fight every year to come back. I hope that this inspires  you to think about why you are doing the things you are doing. Without a good reason why, it is easy to get discouraged and sidetracked.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending me to a great college that has allowed me to grow so much. Help me to determine why I do anything so I can push through when things get difficult. Amen. 

Saturday, September 30, 2017

What is My Why? Part 2- Education

Now when I first picked this school to go to, it wasn't because of the relationships I might make. It was because of their programs of study that they offer and the teachers who were teaching here. My two majors are Digital Media Production and Christianity and Pop Culture.

I choose this school mostly because of  the Digital Media Program. It was small enough that I could get to know the professor well. The small size also allows for me to also have many opportunities to get on the job experience. That and it lets me get close to my fellow students in my major, and form lasting relationships.

My second major is also unique to this school. Christianity and Pop Culture is a major that focuses on theology and applying that theology to different disciplines across the board. This means I get more theology understanding and I get to take a broad range of classes I wouldn't normally take. 

The education quality here is one of the things that drew me to this school, and I am glad of the two majors I chose and I don't want to stop attending Dordt because I'm not going to have the opportunities that I have out here.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the chance to have higher education that glorifies you and helps prepares me for the really world. Help me to focus on my studies and glorify you with the knowledge I acquire. Amen 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What is My Why? Part 1 - Relationships

As I mentioned in my post Saturday, Dordt did not look like the most practical choice by society's standards. But three years later I am still here and it has been worth the fight to get to this point.

As discussed last Wednesday by looking at Nehemiah, nothing is going to get accomplish unless you have a why that is more powerful than the obstacles ahead of you. When faced with the problem of trying to raise money for this semester, I took time to write down my why's and over the next couple of days I would like to explain them.

The first reason why that I want to talk about today is based off the relationships that have formed while being here. I have created some amazing friendships here at Dordt, whether that be with my roommates or with the people in my major. I remember the countless nights in the digital media lab where no homework what so ever was getting done, but we would hang out and chat and watch funny YouTube videos. My roommates and I often have a TV or movie marathon and stay up way to late watching shows from our childhood. I have friends who will spend hours with me talking about faith and religion that help challenged what I believe and we grew together in God.

And its not only because of the friends I have made, but because of some of the responsibility I had to people. I was the person to go to in digital media if any one needed help. I also had a responsibility to my short film class, to be the editor for their short film.  I also told my roommate that I would bring certain stiff for the apartment, mostly lights and decorations. I didn't want to just abandoned my responsibilities to my friends for I know how much they counted on me and I want to let them down.

It is because of these relationships that have formed that I knew I had to fight for one more year at Dordt, because friends like this you don't just walk away from.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the amazing friends you have placed in my life. I am grateful for the relationships and how they have helped me grow closer to you and as a person. Amen.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

What is My Why? Background Info

Before I go into the story that I am going to tell that relates to the topic of which I am focusing on, it is important to know some of the background history. The story that i am talking about is my decision to fight to continue to go to Dordt for another year. But to understand the struggle now it is important to understand the reasons behind why I chose this school.

When I was looking at colleges, my top two ended up being between Morningside and Dordt. Both were located in Northwest Iowa, however, Morningside was in a bigger city with an actual shopping mall. Morningside also offered me better financial aid than Dordt. On paper Morningside looked like a better college.

The key factor was how each felt when I visited their campus. When I visited, I felt more at home at Dordt, then at Morningside. I ended up choosing Dordt over Morningside, which went against all rational and all of what society told me I should do. That decision then was hard, but God has shown me that this is where he wants me, and he has ever increased my love for Dordt.

I know this post is short, but there needed to be some set up for the posts to come. That I also want to make sure that if you didn't read my post from Wednesday that you do for it will help understand what I am talking about the next couple of posts.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the opportunity at to learn at Dordt, and that I get to study here for one more semester. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What is My Why?

A couple weeks ago at my church we talked on the topic of  rebuilding the parts of our life that are not up to par, and the pastor explained this by taking a deeper look of the book of Nehemiah.

Nehemiah was tasked with rebuilding Jerusalem after they have been held in captivity for the longest time. In the second week of studying the book of Nehemiah, the pastor talked about how, while rebuilding the wall to Jerusalem, the Israelites reached the halfway point and got discourage about building the wall. He listed four reasons why they got discouraged found in Nehemiah 4:10-12.

Nehemiah 4:10-12 "Meanwhile, the people of Judah said, 'The strength of the laborers is giving out and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.' Also our enemies said, 'Before they know it or see us, we will be right there among them and will kill them and put and end to the work.' Then the Jews who lived near them came and told us ten times, 'wherever you turn, they will attack us.'"

Four Reasons For Discouragement
Fatigued- no strength and looking for the easy way out
Can't see the Finish Line- so much to do that is seems like it will never get done
Fear- paralyzed of what could happen, stuck in a period of inactivity
Friends and Family- those who are suppose to be helping you are actually adding onto the problem

It is so easy to get discourage in what ever we are trying to do. That is when it is important to think about why you are doing what you are doing because your why is more important than the what. Without a why, it is easy to give up on your what. We all have those moments where we feeling like what we doing is not worth it, but if we have a strong enough why, especially if it is rooted in Biblical principals, than one is able to accomplish the what. A few verses later, it talked about the why for them to be building the wall.

Nehemiah 4:14 "After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughter, your wives and your homes."

The why that Nehemiah presented was one for the future of the Israelites so they can live in a place where their kids can grow up in the word of God. Where their families can be safe and practice their faith freely. That was there why.

This message spoke to me because I, against all odds, have been fighting for now three years to go to Dordt College, and after this message, I examined why did I choose Dordt in the first place, and why am I still willing to fight for the chance to attend for one semester more. So over the next few post, I am going to explain the difficulties I have faced with going to Dordt, as well as my why. I hope to encourage others who are going through a hard time to find their why and to keep pushing through.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being there through the easy parts of life, and through the struggles. Help me to base my whys in your word and in who you are, and give me strengths to accomplish the whats that follow the why's. Amen.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Faith is like Swing Dancing

School has started up again, as well as the clubs and activities, and I have to say one of my favorite clubs on campus is Swing Dance. I have always loved dancing ever since I was little, and it is just a fun time to hang out with my friends and get some much needed exercise.

One key thing to swing dance is that the boy leads the girl around the dance floor. The girl follows the guys movements as they dance. When there is a guy who can lead very well, and a girl who is good at following, their dance looks graceful. You have a guy who can't lead, or a girl who tries to take control, then you have a dance that is a fight between two people on what steps to do and what direction to go in.

This got me thinking about how our faith is similar to the roles in Swing Dance. We are all followers of Christ and his example, and we listen and obey to what his word says. When we follow him and let him lead, we can live a great life, a successful dance so to speak. But when we fight for control, or think we're the leader when we're not, the dance falls apart. We take the wrong steps, or we step on our toes, and trip over our own feet. In life, just as in swing dancing, when we follow our partner, we can create something beautiful.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being a partner who is patient and understanding. Help me to follow you in all that you do, and not to take control from you. Amen. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

God's Creation

There is many things going on in our lives that we don't take the time to stop and smell the roses. We are constantly looking at our phones or on any screen and we miss the beauty that is all around us. God created this whole Earth from the tiniest plant to the tallest mountain. So I encourage everyone who is reading this to go outside and spend time in the beauty God created, because it is amazing. That and if God can create everything we see and make it all beautiful, how much more beautiful are you.

And since you are staring at a screen, here are a few pictures to give you a glance of God's greatest creation. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Doing What We Don't Want To Do

We all have things in life that we don't want to do. For me it was getting my wisdom teeth out. It wasn't because I was scared of the surgery I just didn't want to have them taken out and be sore and in pain for the next couple of days. The thing is that the stuff that we don't want to deal with might actually hurt us later on in life. In talking with the doctor, if I had left my wisdom teeth in for a long period of time, it would cause more infections and would cause me to remove more than just the four wisdom teeth. So I am glad that I got them out now, so I don't have to deal with those problems later in life.

Now some of things that we are avoiding might not have to deal with getting wisdom teeth removed, but it could deal with, forgiving someone, or talking with someone you haven't talked to in a long time, or a number of other things that we are just putting off. It is better to get these things we are avoiding done sooner rather than later because you don't know how much trouble they are going to cause you later in life. It is a lot better to deal with it today while it is small and manageable, than deal with it later on when it is blown out of control and it is going to be more painful to fix it then. The Bible also talks about how we don't know what tomorrow brings, or if we will have a tomorrow, so it is important to get what needs to be done today done.

So take time today to pray and reflect on what needs to get done that you have been putting off and go out and get it done before it is too late.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Lessons Taken from the Movie "Baby Driver"

Note: Baby Driver is rated R and I don't typically watch rated R films or promote them unless there is much more to gain than is lost by watching the film. 

Spoiler Alert

One thing that stuck out to me during the movie is how easily people underestimated Baby. Several times through out the movie they doubted his ability to drive and preform because he was so detached and always listening to his music. they often thought that he was slow or that he wasn't pay attention, yet time and time again he proved himself to be one of the best getaway drivers there was. It was his music that was a strength to him, and not a weakness.

When thinking about this, how many people do we meet day to day that has a quality trait about them that may seem like a weakness. For example I have this friend at work who is really energetic and can get supper focused on one task and forget about everything else. Now when it comes to her work, it can be seen that she is slow because she focuses on one thing at a time and takes her time completing the tasks, yet she is the best one at selling rewards cards to people. That is because she takes her time with the guest and really explains the whole program to them that they are interested in getting a rewards card. What is perceived as a weakness at first glance is actually a strength and the managers love her for her ability to sell reward card.

The Bible also talks about God made every person just the way they are for a purpose. Each of these traits that we think are flaws, were actually designed by God for a specific purpose. Like my friend selling reward cards, or Baby listening to his music, they work to create them to be the best at that particular assignment. So before you write someone off because they have a different quality trait, get to know them and find out what they can do, and how they use that trait to their advantage. 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Lessons Taken from the Movie "Baby Driver"

Note: Baby Driver is rated R and I don't typically watch rated R films or promote them unless there is much more to gain than is lost by watching the film. 

So this week i just watch Baby Driver and I have to say that it was a fantastic movie. It is a high speed action movie with such a good and meaningful story behind it. I originally wanted to see it because of the editing, but once i did see it I saw that there was so much more to the movie with much bigger implications than just good editing. So over the next couple of posts, I am going to be talking and reflecting on Baby Driver and what I personally got from the movie. You may not always agree with my analysis, but it is interesting to think and talk about the movies that we see.

The first thing I want to talk about is the editing of the movie. Now I know not all my viewers know much about how a film is edited, but even knowing some of why the film was edited the way it was gives a deeper appreciation for the movie.

The reason why I wanted to watch the editing in the movie was because I had talked to the editor while I was in Vegas for a broadcasting convention. After listening and talking with the editor, I knew I had to see the movie. The thing that makes this movie unique is because it is all based of the soundtrack. Every gun shot, every cut, every step and movement that the character makes is to the beat of the music. While you are watching it it is hard to notice, but when you focus on how everything interacts with the beat, it is mind-blowing the precision of the editing of the movie.Watching something like that is inspiration to me to make my cutting so accurate with the music and it gives me something to strive for. It is a well edited movie. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Our Own Way To Worship

One thing that we are told since we were children is that we each are unique. That even includes the way we worship. If we look around there are many different denominations of churches and it seems like there is always a competition on which one is the best. I grew up in many different denominations and in many different ways to worship. I went from worshiping all out, to a church that is way more reserved. The thing is too is that when we worship, we look around to see what other people are doing so we can blend in.

One thing I have noticed when I got to college is that it doesn't matter how you worship. Towards the end of the year there is a worship in the library, and because the library is so small there are people on both levels. This year me and my friends were on the second level, and when you glanced on the first floor, it was clear to see that everyone was worshiping in their own ways, and it isn't about trying to fit in, but having time to worship our savior.

This topic came up again a couple of weeks ago when we went back to my old church that my family went to when I was younger. My parents really got into the worship, yet I couldn't get completely into it.  Yet I can get into the music at my current church and my parents can't. It is not that one way is better than the other, it just that we worship in different ways, and that is totally fine. So next time you go to worship, don't worry about what the people around you are doing, but worship that way that you like to worship, for worship is between you and your savior, not the neighbor next to you.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


So as many of you might see when you first click on my blog, that a couple of things have changed. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I want to change the idea behind my blog. When I started this back in tenth grade, I made it a place where I talked about God and tried to teach something about Christianity. However, that became hard to keep up, and it is why there has been a scarce number of posts for a while. Now I am hoping to open it up to talk about my story and events that have happened to me and show how God is working in my life. It is kind of going to be like an online diary. I am also going to make it a goal to post more pictures and videos.

This past week I was at my family reunion. One thing that I learned is that you don’t need a unique family history to make you unique. A lot of the people I go to college with have had their family move to America in the past two or three generations. My most recent family members are from Kansas, so it is not as exciting story to tell as those who have grandparents who can tell stories about moving to America. The thing is hanging with my family and listening to their stories, they are just as exciting but in their own way. There are stories of my dad living in tents growing up, to my parents working on the bridge over the summer, to trips I told to see my grandparents when I was young. And it is in those stories that I come from and that is what makes me unique. So my family history doesn’t have to be like someone else, because God made this unique family history just for me. And he did for all of us. 

So take time to sit down and listen to your family stories and see just what kind of family you come from.  

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Biblical Experiences

Starting at the beginning of the month I decided that I was going to read through the Bible over the course of the year. In just the first couple of the days I could draw connections from what I was reading in the Bible to my personal life. In Genesis 22 is the story of Abraham being tested. A recap of the story is God asked Abraham to go to the mountain to sacrifice his son. His son was Isaac, Abraham’s only son and he was to be the one that would be the decedents of Abraham for all the nations. Abraham did as he was told and went to sacrifice his son, for he trusted that God had something in mind. Then at the last moment God provided Abraham with a ram to sacrifice in place of his son. Abraham’s trust paid off and God provided for him.

Now this is a story that happened a long time ago, and it may seem like it has no application on our lives. The thing is we all have things that we love and cherish. That could be a material object, or money, or anything that we place high value in. The thing is that object is not ours but it is God’s and he is just letting us borrow it. When it comes time, we must be able to trust God in what he has given us and when he asks us to give it up.

Now not many of us are going to be asked to sacrifice our sons, but there are ways every day that we have to trust God. For example, I am working hard this summer to earn money for college. I must be thoughtful of how I spend my money. So, the other day an employee asked if he could borrow some money for food. I said sure but as I walked away I thought about the money that I would give to him to eat, because food where I work is not cheap. But I went through with my plan to be able to pay for his dinner. When it was his break I gave him the tips I made thus far which would cover a meal. But then the surprising thing was is that his brother ended up having food for him so he didn’t need my money. Afterwards I went back to work and I made the most tips that I have made this summer. I thought back to this story and how when God calls us to give, whether that be a small amount of money or a son, we should trust him because he can do more with what we have then we can think of.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the material items that you have given me and I place them in your care because I know your will is better than mine. I trust you when you call me to give up something of mine because I know you have something greater in mind. Amen. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Loving Others

So while my grandparents were here in town we took them out to lunch. My grandmother had this great idea that she would go up and talk to people that she didn't know in the restaurant to try and get to know them. My parents brother and I thought that that was a bad idea for her to do. But she did it any way and she got a hug from the waitress and got to know a few people. Then last night at Bible study, one of the people there suggested that we can love our neighbor by going up to a stranger and hugging them. That idea was immediately though as being a bad idea for you don't just go up to people and talk to them or hug them.

But that got me thinking. No where in the Bible does it say that we can't go up and talk to a stranger or go up and hug them. Actually the Bible encourages it. We are believe the lie that we have to act a certain way in society and not break the mold that was built. God wants us to step out and talk with people we don't know so we can share his love with them. That does mean getting uncomfortable and talking with people, but it is not impossible and God has called us to be uncomfortable to reach the people who we see everyday with his love.

So I want you to think about who it is in your life that you can go a start a conversation with. It could be a complete stranger or it could be someone you see everyday that you just need to open up and talk to.  But lets step out of our comfort zones and reach people that God has placed in our lives.

Dear Heavenly Father.
Thank you for your love, and I pray that I can share that with everyone that I meet. Help me step out of my comfort zone to talk to people who I wouldn't normally talk to. Amen. 

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Grand Parents Visit

So my grandparents came by the last week and visited us for my brother's graduation. It is always a joy seeing them and getting to hang out with them and talk with them. One thing that I learned from my grandma is that it is okay to make mistakes because that is how we learn. She repeated that line every time one of us made a mistake or told a story of a time where we made a mistake. And I believe that is a good way of looking at our mistakes.

For example, we started to put together my first desktop while they were here. Long story short, we have already switched out my motherboard for a new one, and it looks like we will have to buy a new motherboard again. Sure that can be frustrating, but if you look at it the way grandma, then it is a good learning opportunity. Especially for me because I have a very limited knowledge of how a computer works, it is a good way to learn.

So when we go out and try new things it is okay to make mistakes because that is the only way we can learn. So go out there and try new things and make mistakes so you can learn and grow.

Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for allowing us to make our mistakes so we can grow. I pray that we are not afraid of making mistakes, and that we make all the mistakes that we can. Amen. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Pile of Rocks

This past Sunday my family and I went to the mountains and went on a hike. The path we ended up going on was really rocky and it was often difficult to know where the path was. So to mark the path there would be piles of rocks. If we followed the pile of rocks we were on the path. It is very helpful to know which direction to go in, and if we did get lost, all we had to do was look for that pile of rocks to get us back on track. That very simple idea of just piling rocks was a major help as we went hiking.

As Christians, we are provided with the same guidelines to help us as we walk through life. It just in a pile of pages bound together and not a pile of rocks. The Bible is a guide for us as we walk through life. As Psalms 119: 105 states, "You word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."  The Bible is the way that God shows us the path we are to follow. So to know this path, we have to spend time in God's word and getting to know what it says. 

Over the summer I am challenging myself as well as all my readers to read the bible every day this summer. For some of us this may be really easy, but for others, it could be rather difficult. But when we take the time to read the Bible so we know where the path is for us to follo

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your word that is a guide to us so we know what path we are to take. Help us to spend time each day reading the bible and getting to know your word better and better. Amen. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Bible Memorization

Many of us know that reading the Bible is important. But many of us don't take time to memorize the Bible. Now I bet a lot of you reading this are freaking out because you need to memorize 1000+ pages. When I was in Chicago for my mission trip recently, one thing I noticed was that the members at the church could just recite verse on the spot, and some times entire chapters of the top of their head.  That is impressive, and I know that I can't do that, partly because I haven't put the time or effort into that.

I'm not saying that you have to memorize the whole, Bible but memorizing parts of it will help. Psalms 37:31 says, "The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip." It is one thing to just read the Bible, but it is another thing to put the Bible in your heart. When you have memorized scripture, let's say on how God values you, then when you are tempted to believe that you are worthless, and not meant for anything, then you could just say back the scripture you memorized to strengthen you. Ephesians 6:17 says, "And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." The word of God is to be used as a defense weapon , and if you don't know at least parts of the Bible how are you ever going to defend yourself. I know that it is hard to memorize verses, but when you memorize ones that actually pertain to you and what you are going through, they actually become useful quite often. We should all be encourage to memorize even just a couple of verses over the next week so we are able to recall them when they are needed.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your Word that you give us to read. Help me to read it and study it and to memorize it so I am able to recall it when needed. Amen.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Damage of Gossip

Many of us who went to high school or go college have to deal with some sort of drama. Whether it is boyfriend drama to best friend drama to enemy drama, we all encounter it at some point in our high school careers. Most of the drama starts with someone gossiping. Then that one gossip spreads to the whole school, and that creates drama between friends and enemies. The definition of gossip is "casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true." Gossip mostly not being true, it creates problems in our lives that we don't need. Proverbs 26:20 says, "Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down." Without gossips, many of the arguments that happen, or the drama that goes around the school wouldn't exists. But every time you gossip about someone, it is like adding wood on a fire that is already out of control. If you are in an argument with someone, keep the argument between the two of you. When you go off and tell your friends, and then the other person goes off and tells their friends, then we drag more people into the problem then what is needed. With that many people involved, it becomes exponentially harder to find a resolution for the problem.

I know that by now, it has became a habit for most of us to gossip, but that isn't a good habit to have. I ask that as we start this school year, that we could break some of those habits of gossiping. It will be hard, but with God's help it is not impossible. You can then save a lot of hurt feelings, and it will create less high school drama, and it may allow us to focus on school and just having a good time.  Without the drama, school can be a fun place to go to learn and hang out with friends. The thing is that the drama, creates an environment that most of us dread to go to. We can change that environment just by changing the things that we tell people. I don't know about you, but I want to go to a place that has limited drama and, I can actually go and enjoy my day, and not sit in class just waiting for the day to end. Let's make a change this year to stop the gossip coming from our mouths, and speak of encouragement and love to the people around us.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I know that gossip can ruin friendships, and it can create unnecessary drama. I pray that you will help me watch the words that come out of my mouth, to stop me from gossiping about the people who I meet. I know that my words can hurt a person, but I also know that if I speak encouragement to someone, that can make their whole day. Help me to chose my words carefully before I say them. Amen

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

God Already Loves You

So many of us who are making new friends, or who are trying to impress the in-laws, or maybe who are looking for a new job, know that when it comes to impressing people that we need to have it all together. We need to look out best and dot our i's and cross our t's. We tend to hide who we really are on the inside so that we can make it look like we have it all together on the outside. The thing that amazes me about God is that we don't need to have life all put together to go to him. He wants you as you are, and in a society where looks and outward appearance matters it is hard to comprehend that God loves us for who we are. He is not going to reject you because he wants you to go and get your life in order and then come back to him. He will accept you as you are. Romans 5:8 says, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 2000 years ago while we were still sinners, God came down to Earth to die for us. He died for us because he wanted to have a relationship with us, and he wanted to show his love for us by being our sacrifice. He did this so that way you didn’t have to be perfect to come to God, but so that you can come broken and bruised, so that way he can be with us as he works in our live to make us more like Him through his love. You don’t need to get you life in order, to go to God. So I encourage you this week to take time to meet with God just as you are so that way He is able to love on you.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving us just the way we are. I pray that you will help us understand just how much you love us, and that we don’t need to have it all together to come to you. Thank you for sending your Son as a sacrifice for our lives, so we all may have a chance to have a relationship with you. Amen.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Purpose vs. Calling

I am giving you a warning now, today's post is going to be a English lesson. We were talking one day in our Bible study, and at the end we were given the task of finding the difference between purpose and calling. From what I found, purpose is the reason or motivation of why you are doing something, while calling is a job that you do. They are not interchangeable, and even I have been found guilty of thinking that they are one in the same. If you are Christian then our purpose is to bring glory to God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." That sentence describes our motivation behind everything we do, and it is to bring glory to God. Calling is the job that you do, weather it be a teacher, or an engineer, or the CEO of a company. The members of Casting crowns were called to work at their own churches, but they were also called to form a band and write such amazing songs for people. That is their calling. They do everything that they do to glorify God, and that is their purpose. 
I just want to make you more aware of the difference between these two words, because understanding the difference may help develope other understanding of God and yourself.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me to understand the difference in these two words. Help me to serve you in all I do, because that is my purpose. Help me understand what your calling is for me, because it is different for everyone. But knowing that I have my own individualized calling is refreshing to know. Thank you Lord for that. Amen.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

I Actually Have Friends

Last night was the Dordt Talent Show. It was a blast and me and my friends had a great time together. In comparison to last year, I have came so far with having friends. I remember I didn't even go to the talent show last year, and I often spent my Friday nights alone in my room most likely watching YouTube. Just this semester alone I have seen more movies with my friends than I have my entire freshman year.

It is interesting to look back and see how alone I felt, and how God has put people in my life that I can have fun with and we get along really well. Just at dinner last night we were laughing so hard because we have this warped idea of what is fun is that I don't think I could explain if I had too.

It is amazing how God has engineered each one of to be friends with certain people, and he then places friend sin out life that will help us grow closer to him, and grow as a person. It is amazing how we each have our friend group, even if it takes some time to find. In God's whole scheme of things, he wants what is best for you, and that includes giving you the best possible friends for you. They may not be what you imagine, like being friends with the popular kids, but he will give you friends that you need. It is important to cherish them and enjoy your time you have with them.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the friends you have placed in my life. Help me to be the friend that they need, and thank you for the friend they are to me. Amen.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Not Good Enough

One thing I know I did way to much last semester was compare myself to my other classmates. One in particular who I had in a group project was exceptionally skilled at using a camera. I immediately compared myself to him, and I came to the conclusion that I am never going to be as good as him. That was devastating, especially when I am learning what to do and I go in with a mentality of I can't do this. It was the feeling of I am not good enough.

Now over the course of a year, God really opened my eyes to something new. I admit that I am still not any where as good as him in taking video footage. His shots are always pristine and clear and well frame. They are gorgeous. But I am not called to be a videographer. I really do like editing, and I do it well. So it is not fair to myself to compare myself to a guy who can take good video because we aren't even in the same playing field.

Every time I come to this dilemma, I am reminded of the story in 1 Corinthians 12 about the different parts of the body.

"Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."

This story is so similar to how video production goes. Every one on the team has a special job. You need a good videographer, because no one likes watching bad videos. You need a good editor, because without that, all you have are a bunch of random shots that don't appear like they go together. Both needs a certain set of skills, and comparing the two is unfair to both of them.

So I encourage you to take some time and think about who you are comparing yourself to. Think about how you two might very different jobs, like a foot and a hand or a videographer and an editor. God has a specific plan for all of us one that is unique to each one of us, and we are not to be comparing ourselves to someone who was made for a different purpose. You are made to be who you are and no one else. To God you are enough.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for creating me with a specific purpose and that to you, I am enough. Help me to not compare myself to anyone else for you have a different plan for each on of us. Thank you for making me good enough.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

From a Bug to a Butterfly

I have always adored butterflies, mostly for their beauty. They are such a beautiful part of God's creation. It also amazes me they start off in something that is very unimpressive, plain, and easily over looked. But with time, they can turn into something that is truly beautiful that no one can ignore. As believers, our life can reflect that of a butterfly, especially when it comes our faith.

Caterpillar- Caterpillar's aren't as beautiful as the butterflies they grow into, and before we know Christ, we haven't reached our full potential. Ephesians 2:1-3 says, " As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath." As a part of the world, we were dead in all our sins that we were born into. We were born into darkness, because of our sins. Just as caterpillars aren't who they fully are yet, when we are not in Christ, we can't see the fullness of who we could be. 

Cocoon- When butterflies make their cocoon, they start the process of becoming the beautiful butterfly. This transition is when we accept Jesus for the first time in our lives. It is a long journey ahead of us. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." In the cocoon you are literally shredding of your old life, and becoming a new creation. A caterpillar and a butterfly, even though they are the same insect, they don't look the same. It is in the cocoon when the caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Like when you accept Jesus, you don't immediately change your whole life, but it takes time to grow, develop and mature.

Butterfly- Once the butterfly breaks out of it's cocoon, it is a strong, beautiful butterfly. Like with our faith, as we grow closer to God, we become less like the world. Ephesians 2:4-5 says, "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved." WE are alive in Christ. We were saved by grace, so we can see who we really are in Christ. We start to see ourselves as Christ sees us, which is how beautiful, and perfect we are. We were washed clean by the blood of Jesus. It won't always be easy. A butterfly still has day to day challenges, and so will we. But now we have Jesus on our side to help us get through whatever we are going through. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for you love and for continually making me into something that is beautiful. I know that O am still changing and growing everyday. I pray for wisdom and strength to keep pushing through as you work on making me beautiful.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Impressing Others

One thing that all of us in some point in our lives get caught up doing is trying to impress someone. It could be your new boss, or a potential boyfriend, or a friend that you want on your side. I'm not saying it is wrong to want to look presentable, and to act on your best behavior. But when you go out of your way to impress someone, and you do things you wouldn't normally do, then it might be time to evaluate why you are trying to impress them.

In my vlog this week, I mentioned this sign. IT is a quote from Dr. Seuss that I love. It is just a great reminder of being yourself is important and if people are truly your friend, then they will accept you for who you are, along with your wacky quirks. For example, I love to dance around my dorm room, and my close friends find it fun to join in with me, even if we all can't dance. Your true friends aren't there to judge you, but accept you and all you qualities that make up you.

One of the Bible verse that I am working to remember is Galatians 1:10 which goes,
"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."
I love this verse because it talks about how we can't go around pleasing man and trying to serve the Lord. If we are constantly trying to change who we are so that certain people will like us, then we are changing what God created in each one of us to do his will. God will put people in your life who respect you for who you are and those are the ones to hang around with, for it is when you are truly yourself, that is when you can accomplish God's will. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for making me just the way I am. Help me to surround myself with people who accept me for who you made me to be. Help me to do your will, and not trying to change who I am. Amen.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Not Bending Under the Pressure

Many of us know that as Christians, we are suppose to stand firm in our faith. We shouldn't bend under the weight of what the world has to offer. But we often do compromise our values for what the world has to offer. We lie to our parents on where we are going just so we can go to a party. You might lose your virginity just to keep the boy/girlfriend that you finally got. You may cheat on a test in school just to get the grades you need. It is so easy to fall into the trap of this world, but that isn't what God wants us to do as followers. God doesn't want cowards who aren't going to stand up for him, he wants people who are going to stand with him through thick and thin.

At our small groups were were going over this idea of standing firm and we looked at a couple of stories from the book of Daniel in the Bible. The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is the first one in the book of Daniel. (3:13-30) A brief summary of the story is that the king at this time, Nebuchadnezzer, made a gold statue to be worshiped every time an instrument was played. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, disobeyed this order and they kept on praying and worshiping God. The king found out, and he ordered that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to be thrown in the furnace that was heated seven times hotter than before. The second story we talked about was Daniel in the lions den(6:1-28). The summary of Daniel is that Daniel was a high ranking officer to King Darius. Daniel was an honest man, and the king liked Daniel. The other officers didn't like Daniel so much because he was good, so they attacked his faith by telling the king to write a decree that would put anyone in the lions den, if they prayed with in the next thirty days, to anyone but the king. The king agreed, and the decree was made. Daniel didn't change how he prayed and he prayed three times a day, so he was arrested and thrown in the lions den.

The thing is, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and Daniels story didn't end there. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were saved from the furnace by an angel, and they walked out without a single burn. King Nebuchadnezzer saw what happened and made a decree that if anyone had something bad to say about the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, then they were to be cut up into pieces and their houses turned to rubble. In the lions den, and angel kept the mouth of the lion closed so that Daniel wouldn't be eaten, and when King Darius saw this, he made a decree saying that people must fear and have reverence for the God of Daniel.

Here we have two examples of people who were faced with the choice to stand firm to God, or to go with the crowd. The consequence for standing firm was death, but they stood firm and God saved them. Not only did they show that their God is mightier than anything in this world, but it lead to decrees being passed to honor their God. Most the time when we are challenged to stand alone, our lives aren't at stake, but it might be our popularity, or our friends/dates, or whatever you value, but God can give you so much more for standing with Him. You just have to trust that He has a plan for you that is going to glorify him, and not completely destroy you.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that you will stand by me when I face persecution in my life Lord. I also pray that you are close to the people who are facing death because of their faith. I pray that you will be with them, and that you give them strength to face everyday. Let them know that they will be rewarded greatly in heaven for the persecution that they face. Help me to share my faith, and not hide behind the fear of persecution because, you want people who will stand for you. Thank you Lord for everyday that I live Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Material Wealth

So it is only the third week and I have already missed a week of doing my video blog. It is hard because it take some time to plan record and edit it that I am still getting used to. Thank you for being patient as I work out the kinks in this system.

So for today, since there isn't really a theme for the week, I want to talk about material wealth. Before we go on, I want to ask you a question. Lets say your house or wherever you live was burning down, and you could save only one item, what would you save? Or another question is that your computer is going to crash and before it does you can save only one file, what would that file be? 

On answering those questions, it may be easy to answer one and not the other, or it may be hard to answer both. Many of us want multiple things so it is hard to pick just one, or we try to cheat the system by placing multiple objects inside each other to count them as one. 

Now not many people's houses burn down, but living in an age of technology, we get computer crashes all the time. Sure there are ways to get data back, but there are times that you just lose data and it is gone forever. 

I had this happen to me over the past week where my hard drive crashed. At first I was devastated because so much was in that hard drive. But in the week since it happened, I found that I didn't even need most of what was on that hard drive, and I have been fine without those files. The reason for this is based of where we are placing our trust and hope in. 

A verse popped into my mind, Matthew 6:19-21 which goes, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 

If we find out treasures in the data files that we keep, then where will we turn to when they crash. That is why God tells us to put our hope in him, for that treasure we store up will never be damaged or destroyed. So take some time to think about what you can not live without, and reflect where your heart is, and how you can realign your focus to put your hope in God and not in the things of this world. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the materials that you give me Lord, but help me to not put my hope and trust in them but in you. Help me to realize that everything is your's and I am just borrowing for a short time what you give me. Amen.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Sweet Memories

So Wednesday, I gave a specific example of how something that I wrote can add meaning to my life now and how God can speak through it. If you haven't read it I suggest that you take the time to read it after this one. Today I want to give a general over view about this with more examples.

So as I was looking back over my sixth grade Life Journal, the first thing that struck me is the fact that I had my favorite movie and favorite TV show plastered all over the first handful of pages. My favorite movie is Meet the Robinsons and my favorite TV show was Danny Phantom. In looking back over them, I stopped to think why I enjoyed them so much. To me, they were a source of encouragement, to keep going and fighting even when everything seems to be against you. Just thinking of college life and life after graduation, I could really use that advice.

I continue to look and I see all the songs and poems that I wrote back in middle school. It is funny because some off them reflect how alone I felt because that awkward middle school years, it was hard to find a stable group of friends. Reflecting on that, I can see that I have come so far. I went from having little friends that would change every trimester, to having a solid group of friends I continually talk to and have Bible studies with and completely enjoy each other's company.  There is much encouragement to see how I have grown.

Lastly, as I was going through my Life Journals, I found a plan on what my life would be like in 3, 5, and 10 years. I have to say that my life took a different course. I wanted at the time to win American Idol, instead I am a digital media major at college. Not exactly what I planned, but it is interesting to see how my life is turning out and how it is amazing at the same time.

These are just three examples of how looking at the past can be a great reminder of what lies ahead and how God can use even the simplest notes or sketches that we make to speak to us. He can encourage us with how much we have grown, or show us his path that he is leading us down, or give us encouragement when we needed it.

I do encourage you to keep some form of a journal to write down your thoughts and ideas, so you can go back to them later.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the ways that you speak to me. Help me to keep my ears open to what you have to say and know that everything can be used for your glory. Amen.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Poem from the Past

So in my vlog Sunday, I talked about my life journals and how I will look back to them to find God's voice, when I feel like he is so far away. In looking for something to post, I came across this poem. I remember that when I wrote this poem, life was hard. School was getting to me and it felt like my life was falling apart. That lead me to fall on my knees and just surrendered.

I found this poem in a time where it is the first week of classes and I already feel like I am drowning and life has gone so wrong. One of my external hard drives has crashed. I spent over 300 hundred dollars in books. I have more reading and writing than I expected, and the projects this semester require more of me than it did last semester. On top of that I some how have a social life that I don't want to abandoned. I also still want sleep. Just sitting here writing this, I can't survive this next week, let alone the rest of the semester.

But then I find this little gem.

I look up.
Everywhere I look I see
Weapons surround me.
The opponent,
Stronger than a pack of lions.

All by myself.
No weapons,
No one to back me up.
But I have to fight,
For I can’t afford to lose.

The opponent knows well my weaknesses.
They bury me in ten feet of homework.
They yell worthless every time I miss a ball on the field.
They whisper that I will never be as good as anyone I look up to.
They stress me out to the point where I make myself sick.
But I can’t give in.

I fight and fight
But for every step forward,
I take ten steps back.
I back up farther and farther,
Until I am in a corner, stuck
But I continue to fight.

The opponent feeds on my fear.
They get stronger while I get weaker.
I am losing everything I have.
But I keep going and going
And going and


But then everything stops,
I see a hand reach down.
I look at the face of my savior.
“Take my hand” he says.
I take his hand.

We land in a nice clearing.
“What took you so long to surrender?”
“Why didn’t you step in sooner?” I ask
“I would have but you were stuck in your ways.
You were persistent in fighting this battle.
But don’t you know I have already won the war?”

I now feel guilty.
I can’t do this all by myself.
I look up to see him fading.
“Wait what if I need you again?”

He smiles and says,
“For I am always with you.
All you need to do is surrender.”
And with that he was gone,
But I felt him closer than ever.

I surrender.

God's timing on this couldn't be more perfect. I was totally prepared to fight tooth and nail through this whole semester. But I don't have to fight. God is way more capable than me on dealing with life, so instead of fighting, I think I am going to try and lay this, all of this crazy mess that I have gotten myself into, at his feet and let him worry, and stress, and care the weight of my homework and assignments, because I can't.

I don't know if this was really a post for you, or more of a post for me to stop and reflect on surrendering to God. Either way, I hope this encouraged you to write, draw, or just get on paper how God is moving in your life now, because one day it may be useful in reminding you what God is truly capable of, and that he is still with you speaking into your life.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for speaking into my life. Help me to listen for your voice no matter how small. Lord, I surrender all that is going on in my life to you, because I know that you are going to be what guides me through the semester.  Thank you Lord for always being with me. Amen.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Not Letting Flaws Stop Us

So last blog post I used Peter as an example of someone who was close to Jesus who over time changed to be one of the leaders of the first Church. As I mentioned last time, Peter wasn't perfect and Jesus was still able to use him for his plan.

Now if I was to ask each and everyone of you, what are your flaws, we could come up with a list a mile long. For me, I could come up with a list of improvements that I could make or change in my first video that I did that I didn't like. One thing for me is that when every I speak public, I find that I often say "so" in the beginning of my sentences. Below is a video from me recording my next video and me conversing with my mom after I got frustrated that I kept saying "so" as I talked.

We all struggle with this. We let the flaws get in our way. But what if we are letting our flaws get in the way of God's will. Just think, if Peter had let the fact that he betrayed Jesus three times stop him from following what God had for him, then where would the church be. When Jesus returned to Earth, he made sure he reminded what Peter's job was, which is fishing for people. Jesus stilled used Peter, and he can still use us.

So while it is important to recognized that we are not perfect, we can't let these flaws stop us. God can still use us, and we have to be willing to let hi plan play out in our lives.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving me despite my imperfections. Help me not to get focused on my flaws, but to instead focus on what makes me special in your eyes, and to follow your will you have planned for me. Amen. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Starting Point

Happy New Year! Seeing how it is a New Year with new beginnings and new opportunities, I am trying something new. Starting Sunday, January 1, I am creating a video blog (or a vlog for short) that will tie in with what I am talking about on this blog. So if you didn't see the video from Sunday, here is the link to my Youtube Channel for the first video, New Creation.

When talking about New Creation, one thing that majority of us fall into the trap of thinking is that this is going to be an instantaneous change. I have even fallen guilty of thinking that once I repent than my life will change overnight and I will never be tempted or fall into sin. The thing is that is not how God works. God is not a miracle maker. When he works he takes his time to make sure everything is done correctly, and he wants to know how much he is willing to be with you and to work with you.

In the Bible, Simon Peter was one of Jesus disciples. When Jesus came to ask Simon to follow him, he dropped everything he had to follow Jesus. Jesus changed his named to Peter, because he was the rock for the church. When asked, Peter claimed that Jesus was the Savior of the world.

The thing is that Jesus star disciple wasn't perfect. On the night of Jesus betrayal, Peter denied that he knew Jesus. Peter wasn't perfect, but Jesus still uses Peter, and the more Peter and Jesus hung out the more that Peter changed into one that would help start the first church after Jesus died. We can all look at Peter and see all that he did, but that doesn't mean that he was perfect.

So relating what happened over 2000 years ago to what is currently happening. So if we don't change over night, then that means that we change over time. This requires more effort and spending actual time in God's presence, but the change will be lasting and you will turn into the person that God created you to be.

So since it is the New Year, and most of us are making New Year Resolutions, why don't we together make a resolution to spend more time with God so we can change into the person he made us to be.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for making me a new creation. Lord help me to spend time with you on a daily basis so I may change into the person you had in mind for me. Amen.