Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Starting Point

Happy New Year! Seeing how it is a New Year with new beginnings and new opportunities, I am trying something new. Starting Sunday, January 1, I am creating a video blog (or a vlog for short) that will tie in with what I am talking about on this blog. So if you didn't see the video from Sunday, here is the link to my Youtube Channel for the first video, New Creation.

When talking about New Creation, one thing that majority of us fall into the trap of thinking is that this is going to be an instantaneous change. I have even fallen guilty of thinking that once I repent than my life will change overnight and I will never be tempted or fall into sin. The thing is that is not how God works. God is not a miracle maker. When he works he takes his time to make sure everything is done correctly, and he wants to know how much he is willing to be with you and to work with you.

In the Bible, Simon Peter was one of Jesus disciples. When Jesus came to ask Simon to follow him, he dropped everything he had to follow Jesus. Jesus changed his named to Peter, because he was the rock for the church. When asked, Peter claimed that Jesus was the Savior of the world.

The thing is that Jesus star disciple wasn't perfect. On the night of Jesus betrayal, Peter denied that he knew Jesus. Peter wasn't perfect, but Jesus still uses Peter, and the more Peter and Jesus hung out the more that Peter changed into one that would help start the first church after Jesus died. We can all look at Peter and see all that he did, but that doesn't mean that he was perfect.

So relating what happened over 2000 years ago to what is currently happening. So if we don't change over night, then that means that we change over time. This requires more effort and spending actual time in God's presence, but the change will be lasting and you will turn into the person that God created you to be.

So since it is the New Year, and most of us are making New Year Resolutions, why don't we together make a resolution to spend more time with God so we can change into the person he made us to be.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for making me a new creation. Lord help me to spend time with you on a daily basis so I may change into the person you had in mind for me. Amen.

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