Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Loving Others

So while my grandparents were here in town we took them out to lunch. My grandmother had this great idea that she would go up and talk to people that she didn't know in the restaurant to try and get to know them. My parents brother and I thought that that was a bad idea for her to do. But she did it any way and she got a hug from the waitress and got to know a few people. Then last night at Bible study, one of the people there suggested that we can love our neighbor by going up to a stranger and hugging them. That idea was immediately though as being a bad idea for you don't just go up to people and talk to them or hug them.

But that got me thinking. No where in the Bible does it say that we can't go up and talk to a stranger or go up and hug them. Actually the Bible encourages it. We are believe the lie that we have to act a certain way in society and not break the mold that was built. God wants us to step out and talk with people we don't know so we can share his love with them. That does mean getting uncomfortable and talking with people, but it is not impossible and God has called us to be uncomfortable to reach the people who we see everyday with his love.

So I want you to think about who it is in your life that you can go a start a conversation with. It could be a complete stranger or it could be someone you see everyday that you just need to open up and talk to.  But lets step out of our comfort zones and reach people that God has placed in our lives.

Dear Heavenly Father.
Thank you for your love, and I pray that I can share that with everyone that I meet. Help me step out of my comfort zone to talk to people who I wouldn't normally talk to. Amen. 

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