Saturday, September 30, 2017

What is My Why? Part 2- Education

Now when I first picked this school to go to, it wasn't because of the relationships I might make. It was because of their programs of study that they offer and the teachers who were teaching here. My two majors are Digital Media Production and Christianity and Pop Culture.

I choose this school mostly because of  the Digital Media Program. It was small enough that I could get to know the professor well. The small size also allows for me to also have many opportunities to get on the job experience. That and it lets me get close to my fellow students in my major, and form lasting relationships.

My second major is also unique to this school. Christianity and Pop Culture is a major that focuses on theology and applying that theology to different disciplines across the board. This means I get more theology understanding and I get to take a broad range of classes I wouldn't normally take. 

The education quality here is one of the things that drew me to this school, and I am glad of the two majors I chose and I don't want to stop attending Dordt because I'm not going to have the opportunities that I have out here.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the chance to have higher education that glorifies you and helps prepares me for the really world. Help me to focus on my studies and glorify you with the knowledge I acquire. Amen 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What is My Why? Part 1 - Relationships

As I mentioned in my post Saturday, Dordt did not look like the most practical choice by society's standards. But three years later I am still here and it has been worth the fight to get to this point.

As discussed last Wednesday by looking at Nehemiah, nothing is going to get accomplish unless you have a why that is more powerful than the obstacles ahead of you. When faced with the problem of trying to raise money for this semester, I took time to write down my why's and over the next couple of days I would like to explain them.

The first reason why that I want to talk about today is based off the relationships that have formed while being here. I have created some amazing friendships here at Dordt, whether that be with my roommates or with the people in my major. I remember the countless nights in the digital media lab where no homework what so ever was getting done, but we would hang out and chat and watch funny YouTube videos. My roommates and I often have a TV or movie marathon and stay up way to late watching shows from our childhood. I have friends who will spend hours with me talking about faith and religion that help challenged what I believe and we grew together in God.

And its not only because of the friends I have made, but because of some of the responsibility I had to people. I was the person to go to in digital media if any one needed help. I also had a responsibility to my short film class, to be the editor for their short film.  I also told my roommate that I would bring certain stiff for the apartment, mostly lights and decorations. I didn't want to just abandoned my responsibilities to my friends for I know how much they counted on me and I want to let them down.

It is because of these relationships that have formed that I knew I had to fight for one more year at Dordt, because friends like this you don't just walk away from.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the amazing friends you have placed in my life. I am grateful for the relationships and how they have helped me grow closer to you and as a person. Amen.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

What is My Why? Background Info

Before I go into the story that I am going to tell that relates to the topic of which I am focusing on, it is important to know some of the background history. The story that i am talking about is my decision to fight to continue to go to Dordt for another year. But to understand the struggle now it is important to understand the reasons behind why I chose this school.

When I was looking at colleges, my top two ended up being between Morningside and Dordt. Both were located in Northwest Iowa, however, Morningside was in a bigger city with an actual shopping mall. Morningside also offered me better financial aid than Dordt. On paper Morningside looked like a better college.

The key factor was how each felt when I visited their campus. When I visited, I felt more at home at Dordt, then at Morningside. I ended up choosing Dordt over Morningside, which went against all rational and all of what society told me I should do. That decision then was hard, but God has shown me that this is where he wants me, and he has ever increased my love for Dordt.

I know this post is short, but there needed to be some set up for the posts to come. That I also want to make sure that if you didn't read my post from Wednesday that you do for it will help understand what I am talking about the next couple of posts.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the opportunity at to learn at Dordt, and that I get to study here for one more semester. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What is My Why?

A couple weeks ago at my church we talked on the topic of  rebuilding the parts of our life that are not up to par, and the pastor explained this by taking a deeper look of the book of Nehemiah.

Nehemiah was tasked with rebuilding Jerusalem after they have been held in captivity for the longest time. In the second week of studying the book of Nehemiah, the pastor talked about how, while rebuilding the wall to Jerusalem, the Israelites reached the halfway point and got discourage about building the wall. He listed four reasons why they got discouraged found in Nehemiah 4:10-12.

Nehemiah 4:10-12 "Meanwhile, the people of Judah said, 'The strength of the laborers is giving out and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.' Also our enemies said, 'Before they know it or see us, we will be right there among them and will kill them and put and end to the work.' Then the Jews who lived near them came and told us ten times, 'wherever you turn, they will attack us.'"

Four Reasons For Discouragement
Fatigued- no strength and looking for the easy way out
Can't see the Finish Line- so much to do that is seems like it will never get done
Fear- paralyzed of what could happen, stuck in a period of inactivity
Friends and Family- those who are suppose to be helping you are actually adding onto the problem

It is so easy to get discourage in what ever we are trying to do. That is when it is important to think about why you are doing what you are doing because your why is more important than the what. Without a why, it is easy to give up on your what. We all have those moments where we feeling like what we doing is not worth it, but if we have a strong enough why, especially if it is rooted in Biblical principals, than one is able to accomplish the what. A few verses later, it talked about the why for them to be building the wall.

Nehemiah 4:14 "After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughter, your wives and your homes."

The why that Nehemiah presented was one for the future of the Israelites so they can live in a place where their kids can grow up in the word of God. Where their families can be safe and practice their faith freely. That was there why.

This message spoke to me because I, against all odds, have been fighting for now three years to go to Dordt College, and after this message, I examined why did I choose Dordt in the first place, and why am I still willing to fight for the chance to attend for one semester more. So over the next few post, I am going to explain the difficulties I have faced with going to Dordt, as well as my why. I hope to encourage others who are going through a hard time to find their why and to keep pushing through.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being there through the easy parts of life, and through the struggles. Help me to base my whys in your word and in who you are, and give me strengths to accomplish the whats that follow the why's. Amen.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Faith is like Swing Dancing

School has started up again, as well as the clubs and activities, and I have to say one of my favorite clubs on campus is Swing Dance. I have always loved dancing ever since I was little, and it is just a fun time to hang out with my friends and get some much needed exercise.

One key thing to swing dance is that the boy leads the girl around the dance floor. The girl follows the guys movements as they dance. When there is a guy who can lead very well, and a girl who is good at following, their dance looks graceful. You have a guy who can't lead, or a girl who tries to take control, then you have a dance that is a fight between two people on what steps to do and what direction to go in.

This got me thinking about how our faith is similar to the roles in Swing Dance. We are all followers of Christ and his example, and we listen and obey to what his word says. When we follow him and let him lead, we can live a great life, a successful dance so to speak. But when we fight for control, or think we're the leader when we're not, the dance falls apart. We take the wrong steps, or we step on our toes, and trip over our own feet. In life, just as in swing dancing, when we follow our partner, we can create something beautiful.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being a partner who is patient and understanding. Help me to follow you in all that you do, and not to take control from you. Amen.