Saturday, June 29, 2013

Trusting God

Most people struggle with trusting God and His plan for us, either if it's with the small things in life, or the big decisions we have to make. Matthew 10:29-31 says "Aren't two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." If God new what was going to happen to the sparrows, and since you are worth more than sparrows, then God knows everything that will happen to you.

While I was in Panama, God reestablished why I need to trust Him. On the trip, I took my family's camera with me. Since the camera wasn't mine, I couldn't break it or damage it. When I got to the first island, I was taking picture of the kids. The kids were amazed by the camera because they could take pictures of themselves and then see it. By the last day, we had taught the kids how to photo bomb and to how to take selfies.  Then more kids came and soon I was surrounded by kids. Some of them asked for my camera, but I said no. I couldn't bring myself to trust these kids with the camera. Not even five minutes later, when I was watching Christina and Jordan open a coconut, a kid comes up and points at my camera. I said "si" because I thought he wanted to know what it was, and the next thing he has my camera and is taking pictures. Right before we left, I found the guy and I asked for my camera back, and he willingly gave it to me. After words God was telling me, "See, these kids aren't going to drop the camera."

The next day, I was hanging with the kids on the island where we were sleeping, and I gave them the camera. I kept a close eye on it but I let the kids play. Later that night I made the whole experience that I was going through about me and not God, so the kids later that night dropped the camera. Then I heard God saying "I kept your camera safe and you doubted me. Well I let the kids dropped the camera." I felt bad for doubting God. I know I should have learned when I doubted God on other things and that I should have learned by now, but each new experience adds to the levels of trust.

The next day, I gave the kids on the island that we slept on the camera. Then I let them go play. They had the camera down by the ocean all the way to the top of the hill. I didn't freak because I knew that God had it. Then right before devotional that night, a girl came up to me and gave me the camera and left. The camera wasn't broken and it wasn't wet. God had truly protected the camera. And He knows that I need to be reminded often to trust God, so He will keep reminding me.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fishers of Men

During the week in Panama, everyone on the team did a devotional. Mitch and I were on the last night in Panama. I liked the beginning of my devotional, that I'm going to use it here but change the ending. Enjoy!

Matthew 4:18 and Mark 1:17-18 says "'Come follow me.' Jesus said 'And I will make you fishers of man.' at once they left their net and followed him."  When Jesus said to come and follow him, the fishermen went immediately. They didn't hesitate and they didn't follow him one day and not the next. They followed him everyday that he was alive. And that is what we are called to do when we follow Jesus. We follow him everyday, with every step and with every word. And one word can change a persons life, either for the better or for worse.

It was the last night in Panama and Mitch and I had just finished our devotionals, and we were just chatting about what we learned during the week. Then Joe was talking. A brief history of Joe is that this was his third time in Panama, he was older then me, and when we weren't around the translators he translated for us. I looked up to him the whole trip. So at the end of his talking he said something along the lines of, "I'm proud of Jordan, Max, and Kaitlyn for coming and not really knowing anyone, and fitting in so well with the group." At that point my eyes started to water, and I kept telling myself not to cry because I don't like to cry in public. Then we kept going around the circle talking, and I remember one girl, and I'm sorry I don't remember who, started talking about language and language barriers. At that moment, God told me that I should talk about watching the words we say when we get back to America and the people can understand us. I started talking and the words that God put in my mouth were words about what I just went through a few minutes ago. I said something along the lines of, "We need to be careful to use our words wisely when we go back to America because they can understand us, and one word can make a difference. When Joe said my name, it meant something to me because at home I really only have four friends..." After that I couldn't get anymore words out. Then Kelsey looked at me and said, "Well now you have 12 new friends." At that point I knew I had new friends. I didn't come to Panama expecting to make new friends. To be honest I was just going to go, hang out with them, and forget about them as soon as I stepped on Colorado soil. But a lot can change in one week.

So on the airplane back to Colorado, I started crying. I was crying because it hit me that as soon as we are back to Colorado, it would be hard to connect with them because we don't live close to each other. I prayed to God that he will help me keep these connections alive. Sunday, I was talking to my Mom and she said that I could have a Facebook. To me that was God saying, "you want to keep these friendships alive and you have proved it so let me make it easier for you." Then that night at youth group, Mitch talked about what we did in Panama. At the end he said, "And five people showed up tonight after getting in late last night." I started crying again because, I wouldn't forget them, and they wouldn't forget me. Then during worship, a lady comes to me and said that she brought a cloth just for me. Then later that night, I was praying with an adult and I said that I wanted to thank God for the friends I made in Panama, and he said all the right words. This to me showed me that this was God's plan for me.

It is important to watch every word we say because one word can change a life. You don't know when God will use you, so you need to follow him everyday. No one would have guess that saying my name would change my life. But to be honest, I wonder sometimes if the other students in my class even know my name at the end of the school year. So to know that in a little over a week that everyone knew my name was big to me. If any of the Panama team is reading this, I want you to know that I appreciate all of you. I may not be able to say it in words, but I can say it here. Thank you!

The Panama Team

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Return From Panama

I have safely return from Panama, and man was it amazing. So for the next couple of weeks, my post will be what I learned from Panama.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


I know I have already done a post on friendship before, but this topic is important to me. In the Bible, Abram and Lot were relatives but they were also friends. In Genesis 14: 14- 16 says, "When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he called out the 318 trained men born in his household and went in pursuit as far as Dan. During the night Abram divided his men to attack them and he routed them, pursuing them as far as Hobah, north of Damascus. He recovered all the goods and bought back his relative Lot and his possessions, together with the women and the other people." Abram didn't wait for someone to go save is friend, but instead he went to save him himself. Abram also risked his life going in to fight for his friend. I feel that many people say that they are friends but when you need them the most, they abandon you. A true friend will stay with you and help you in your time of need, and they will risk every thing to help you.

True Images Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007. Print

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


It is really comforting to know that I can always fall back on God's promises. One of His promises He made, is that He will never destroy the Earth with a flood again. In Genesis, God floods the earth, and after the land dried off He made a promises with Noah, the one who built the ark. God made this promise in Genesis 9:12-15 which says, "And God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the Earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the Earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life." It is comforting to know that God always remembers his promises. Now every time it rains and I see a rainbow in the sky, it makes the storm so much better.

True Images Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007. Print

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Well I'm am on my mission trip in Panama. I'm excited to meet the kids in the village. I'm not excited for the hours of flying and layovers. But it is a small price to pay to go a touch the lives of the families in these villages. I will tell of my experience when I return, and pray that me and my team stay safe in Panama and that we can touch many lives.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Determination is a nice skill to have. Whether it is determination to get through school, or two hours of skating. This past week I went skating with my church I used to go to. I had to rent skates because we sold mine, and instead of getting inline skates I got regular skates with the wheels in the box shape. I haven't skated in these for a while so I wasn't good nor fast. I also couldn't turn without pushing off the walls. Then I fell really hard and peeled skin off my knee. But I got back up and by the end of the night, I was able to turn and go faster than when I started.
This is just one example of determination, but it often appears everyday. You could be determined to get through the school day, or determined to get through field hockey practice, but determination doesn't come easy. It is a skill you have to build and practice. But it is possible and the rewards at the end are worth it. I ended up having  fun time skating, once I got into the hang of it. I didn't quit and I ended up skating. So think this week of what you need a little more determination in so that you won't end up quitting.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


There are some things in life that we would love to do or have, but when you willingly give it up, there are amazing things that could come from it. This weekend, my brother and his "girlfriend's" family were going to have dinner at this fancy Japanese restaurant. I was going to go and try it. Our church recognizes the people going on a missions trip, the weekend before they leave. So my Mom said that if I would rather go to church, then she would take me to my favorite restaurant in return. That way it wouldn't feel awkward, and it would save my parents some money. So I willingly gave something up, and in return God blessed me by letting me go to Sweet Tomatoes.
In Luke 6:38 says, "Give, and it will be given to you. In good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." When you give up something to someone else who needs it, then God will give you an equal amount in return. It may not always be cash of material items, but something greater that you need like a vacation, or a trip to your favorite restaurant.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


It is finally summer! Now we have a couple of months off. Now what? Sit in front of the computer or TV for hours on end, or are you going to use your summer wisely. You don't have to be like Phineas and Ferb and build something new everyday, but you should use your summer time wisely. You can watch some TV and play on the computer, but do something different too. You can learn a new skill, or perfect a skill that you have. The summer is yours so use it wisely. Dream big this summer. don't be stuck with doing simple tasks. Challenge yourself to do something you wouldn't normally do. Also as long as you do it with all you heart and doing it for the glory of God nothing is impossible. Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord,not for man." What ever you do this summer do it for the glory of God.

True Images Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007. Print

Sunday, June 2, 2013

K-Love Fan Awards - Wrap-Up

Well, this has been an amazing weekend. Even though my favorites didn't win in every category, I'm still proud of the ones who did win. That's the thing about the K-Love Fan Awards, you love all the nominees that it is hard just to chose one. This weekend was a great way to get the whole K-love family together and worship God and what he has done.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

K-Love Fan Awards - Results

Yay Casting Crowns won Group/duo of the year!
And for King and Country won Breakout Artist!

K-Love Fan Awards - Kari Jobe

I love this message from Kari Jobe. Her talk about how she is waiting for God's man for her is so true for every girl. So girls take comfort in what Kari Jobe says.

"Kari Jobe - God's Timing." YouTube. KLOVEFanAwards, 1 June 2013. Web.

K-Love Fan Awards - Natalie Grant

This video with Natalie Grant is really uplifting because no matter what we are going through, we can still be thankful. I hope as you watch this video, you can reflect on what you can be thankful for.

"Natalie Grant: I Love My Life." YouTube. KLOVEFanAwards, 31 May 2013. Web.

K-Love Fan Awards - Tenth Avanue North

While listening to the K-Love Fan Awards this weekend, I heard Mike Donehey from Tenth Avenue North talking about the eternal perspective. the video speaks for itself, and I found that what he said, was so true, and he put it in words that I wouldn't think of. So please watch and enjoy!

"Mike Donehey: Eternal Perspective." YouTube. KLOVEFanAwards, 31 Mar. 2013. Web.

K-Love Fan Awards - Songwriters Showcase

Last night, K-Love put on a songwriters showcase. And let me say it was amazing. Even though I couldn't be there in person, -K-Love did a wonderful job live over the air. The best part about it was how the artists connected to the audience, and how they were real. They opened up and were vulnerable with the audience. They had acoustic performances and the artist told the story behind the songs. Also the MCs of the event were really funny. Stevis Curtis Chapman and Matthew West did an amazing job with including the audience there in Nashville, and the audience at home. it literally felt like I had a live concert in my house. If you missed that is a bummer, because it was an amazing time to connect with the artists. It was special to have this opportunity because, many celebrities in pop culture, don't connect with there fans the way that the K-Love artist did last night.