Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Lessons Taken from the Movie "Baby Driver"

Note: Baby Driver is rated R and I don't typically watch rated R films or promote them unless there is much more to gain than is lost by watching the film. 

Spoiler Alert

One thing that stuck out to me during the movie is how easily people underestimated Baby. Several times through out the movie they doubted his ability to drive and preform because he was so detached and always listening to his music. they often thought that he was slow or that he wasn't pay attention, yet time and time again he proved himself to be one of the best getaway drivers there was. It was his music that was a strength to him, and not a weakness.

When thinking about this, how many people do we meet day to day that has a quality trait about them that may seem like a weakness. For example I have this friend at work who is really energetic and can get supper focused on one task and forget about everything else. Now when it comes to her work, it can be seen that she is slow because she focuses on one thing at a time and takes her time completing the tasks, yet she is the best one at selling rewards cards to people. That is because she takes her time with the guest and really explains the whole program to them that they are interested in getting a rewards card. What is perceived as a weakness at first glance is actually a strength and the managers love her for her ability to sell reward card.

The Bible also talks about God made every person just the way they are for a purpose. Each of these traits that we think are flaws, were actually designed by God for a specific purpose. Like my friend selling reward cards, or Baby listening to his music, they work to create them to be the best at that particular assignment. So before you write someone off because they have a different quality trait, get to know them and find out what they can do, and how they use that trait to their advantage. 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Lessons Taken from the Movie "Baby Driver"

Note: Baby Driver is rated R and I don't typically watch rated R films or promote them unless there is much more to gain than is lost by watching the film. 

So this week i just watch Baby Driver and I have to say that it was a fantastic movie. It is a high speed action movie with such a good and meaningful story behind it. I originally wanted to see it because of the editing, but once i did see it I saw that there was so much more to the movie with much bigger implications than just good editing. So over the next couple of posts, I am going to be talking and reflecting on Baby Driver and what I personally got from the movie. You may not always agree with my analysis, but it is interesting to think and talk about the movies that we see.

The first thing I want to talk about is the editing of the movie. Now I know not all my viewers know much about how a film is edited, but even knowing some of why the film was edited the way it was gives a deeper appreciation for the movie.

The reason why I wanted to watch the editing in the movie was because I had talked to the editor while I was in Vegas for a broadcasting convention. After listening and talking with the editor, I knew I had to see the movie. The thing that makes this movie unique is because it is all based of the soundtrack. Every gun shot, every cut, every step and movement that the character makes is to the beat of the music. While you are watching it it is hard to notice, but when you focus on how everything interacts with the beat, it is mind-blowing the precision of the editing of the movie.Watching something like that is inspiration to me to make my cutting so accurate with the music and it gives me something to strive for. It is a well edited movie. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Our Own Way To Worship

One thing that we are told since we were children is that we each are unique. That even includes the way we worship. If we look around there are many different denominations of churches and it seems like there is always a competition on which one is the best. I grew up in many different denominations and in many different ways to worship. I went from worshiping all out, to a church that is way more reserved. The thing is too is that when we worship, we look around to see what other people are doing so we can blend in.

One thing I have noticed when I got to college is that it doesn't matter how you worship. Towards the end of the year there is a worship in the library, and because the library is so small there are people on both levels. This year me and my friends were on the second level, and when you glanced on the first floor, it was clear to see that everyone was worshiping in their own ways, and it isn't about trying to fit in, but having time to worship our savior.

This topic came up again a couple of weeks ago when we went back to my old church that my family went to when I was younger. My parents really got into the worship, yet I couldn't get completely into it.  Yet I can get into the music at my current church and my parents can't. It is not that one way is better than the other, it just that we worship in different ways, and that is totally fine. So next time you go to worship, don't worry about what the people around you are doing, but worship that way that you like to worship, for worship is between you and your savior, not the neighbor next to you.