Saturday, May 27, 2017

Grand Parents Visit

So my grandparents came by the last week and visited us for my brother's graduation. It is always a joy seeing them and getting to hang out with them and talk with them. One thing that I learned from my grandma is that it is okay to make mistakes because that is how we learn. She repeated that line every time one of us made a mistake or told a story of a time where we made a mistake. And I believe that is a good way of looking at our mistakes.

For example, we started to put together my first desktop while they were here. Long story short, we have already switched out my motherboard for a new one, and it looks like we will have to buy a new motherboard again. Sure that can be frustrating, but if you look at it the way grandma, then it is a good learning opportunity. Especially for me because I have a very limited knowledge of how a computer works, it is a good way to learn.

So when we go out and try new things it is okay to make mistakes because that is the only way we can learn. So go out there and try new things and make mistakes so you can learn and grow.

Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for allowing us to make our mistakes so we can grow. I pray that we are not afraid of making mistakes, and that we make all the mistakes that we can. Amen. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Pile of Rocks

This past Sunday my family and I went to the mountains and went on a hike. The path we ended up going on was really rocky and it was often difficult to know where the path was. So to mark the path there would be piles of rocks. If we followed the pile of rocks we were on the path. It is very helpful to know which direction to go in, and if we did get lost, all we had to do was look for that pile of rocks to get us back on track. That very simple idea of just piling rocks was a major help as we went hiking.

As Christians, we are provided with the same guidelines to help us as we walk through life. It just in a pile of pages bound together and not a pile of rocks. The Bible is a guide for us as we walk through life. As Psalms 119: 105 states, "You word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."  The Bible is the way that God shows us the path we are to follow. So to know this path, we have to spend time in God's word and getting to know what it says. 

Over the summer I am challenging myself as well as all my readers to read the bible every day this summer. For some of us this may be really easy, but for others, it could be rather difficult. But when we take the time to read the Bible so we know where the path is for us to follo

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your word that is a guide to us so we know what path we are to take. Help us to spend time each day reading the bible and getting to know your word better and better. Amen.