Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Biblical Experiences

Starting at the beginning of the month I decided that I was going to read through the Bible over the course of the year. In just the first couple of the days I could draw connections from what I was reading in the Bible to my personal life. In Genesis 22 is the story of Abraham being tested. A recap of the story is God asked Abraham to go to the mountain to sacrifice his son. His son was Isaac, Abraham’s only son and he was to be the one that would be the decedents of Abraham for all the nations. Abraham did as he was told and went to sacrifice his son, for he trusted that God had something in mind. Then at the last moment God provided Abraham with a ram to sacrifice in place of his son. Abraham’s trust paid off and God provided for him.

Now this is a story that happened a long time ago, and it may seem like it has no application on our lives. The thing is we all have things that we love and cherish. That could be a material object, or money, or anything that we place high value in. The thing is that object is not ours but it is God’s and he is just letting us borrow it. When it comes time, we must be able to trust God in what he has given us and when he asks us to give it up.

Now not many of us are going to be asked to sacrifice our sons, but there are ways every day that we have to trust God. For example, I am working hard this summer to earn money for college. I must be thoughtful of how I spend my money. So, the other day an employee asked if he could borrow some money for food. I said sure but as I walked away I thought about the money that I would give to him to eat, because food where I work is not cheap. But I went through with my plan to be able to pay for his dinner. When it was his break I gave him the tips I made thus far which would cover a meal. But then the surprising thing was is that his brother ended up having food for him so he didn’t need my money. Afterwards I went back to work and I made the most tips that I have made this summer. I thought back to this story and how when God calls us to give, whether that be a small amount of money or a son, we should trust him because he can do more with what we have then we can think of.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the material items that you have given me and I place them in your care because I know your will is better than mine. I trust you when you call me to give up something of mine because I know you have something greater in mind. Amen. 

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