Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What is My Why? Part 1 - Relationships

As I mentioned in my post Saturday, Dordt did not look like the most practical choice by society's standards. But three years later I am still here and it has been worth the fight to get to this point.

As discussed last Wednesday by looking at Nehemiah, nothing is going to get accomplish unless you have a why that is more powerful than the obstacles ahead of you. When faced with the problem of trying to raise money for this semester, I took time to write down my why's and over the next couple of days I would like to explain them.

The first reason why that I want to talk about today is based off the relationships that have formed while being here. I have created some amazing friendships here at Dordt, whether that be with my roommates or with the people in my major. I remember the countless nights in the digital media lab where no homework what so ever was getting done, but we would hang out and chat and watch funny YouTube videos. My roommates and I often have a TV or movie marathon and stay up way to late watching shows from our childhood. I have friends who will spend hours with me talking about faith and religion that help challenged what I believe and we grew together in God.

And its not only because of the friends I have made, but because of some of the responsibility I had to people. I was the person to go to in digital media if any one needed help. I also had a responsibility to my short film class, to be the editor for their short film.  I also told my roommate that I would bring certain stiff for the apartment, mostly lights and decorations. I didn't want to just abandoned my responsibilities to my friends for I know how much they counted on me and I want to let them down.

It is because of these relationships that have formed that I knew I had to fight for one more year at Dordt, because friends like this you don't just walk away from.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the amazing friends you have placed in my life. I am grateful for the relationships and how they have helped me grow closer to you and as a person. Amen.

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