Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year, Same Stress

It is the beginning of the New Year, and I bet most of us already feel stressed. I have finals next week, (Yes, that is weird) and I have college scholarships due, and I have other activities like the musical that I need to focus on. Some people may be worried about the new semester coming up, or maybe it is a family problem, or relationship struggle that you are facing. The New Year is suppose to be about new beginnings and starting fresh, but we are only a week in and we have fallen into the same traps, the same things we stressed about in 2014. We all get discouraged when we fall back into what trapped us before. The thing is, the things that stressed us before, didn't go away  with the new year. I still have school and finals. Your stresses didn't just go puff with the new year. If that is true, then what is the point of trying to make a resolution to stress less.
If that is the what you are struggling with, may I suggest a change in focus. Instead of focusing on what stresses us out and wishing that they will disappear, focus on how you receive stress. We tend to focus on what is stressing us, and then we try to relieve the stress by ourselves, through multiple ways. But there is only one way that you're stress will disappear, and that is giving it to God. 1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." When you cast all that stresses you onto God, he will take care of it. He is the God of the universe, and he can do the impossible, and he care about you and what stresses you. By giving it up to God, you are putting it in the best hands possible. He is able to take care of your stress when you couldn't. That doesn't mean that everything that stresses you out will disappear, but it does change how you deal with stress. I challenge all of you to try casting your cares on the Lord, and see what happens, I bet that you are a lot less stressed.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for caring for everything that stresses me out. Today I want to give you all that has me stressed, and I trust that you will take care of it, and that you will use it for what is best for me. Thank you for caring so much about me, and knowing me, no matter how small I feel. Amen.

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