Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I Feel So Small

I find it funny how small that we often make ourselves out to be. We over and over again feel tiny, worthless, insignificant. I know that I am not the only one who struggles with this. We buy into these lies that make us feel like we are nothing. It is honestly a lifelong struggle.

It was just last week where I backed out of filming a shot for a school project because I didn't feel qualified. The thing is that after Wednesday, I felt so down and so small. I felt worthless, and it chewed me up on the inside. Then Saturday, I learn a whole new editing program in which I created a light saber that looks legit. My teacher was even impressed, and yet I still struggle with believing that I did that because I still feel so tiny and insignificant.

We all struggle with times where we feel like we are not good enough. We don't measure up to what ever standards that are placed on us. It could be parent standards, society standards, or even standards you put on yourself.

The thing is that God doesn't see you that way. He created you. I don't know if you have ever created something, but you think that it is the best thing in the world. I have paintings and photos that I make and I love them so much, that I can't stand anyone talking badly about them. I am only a human. Think about how much more valuable you are to God. He made you in your mother's womb, with a specific plan and purpose in mind. (Psalms 139:13) He loves you and he is upset when you don't see the same potential that he sees.

Just think for a minute. Think of a time where you were faced with something that seemed impossible, and you didn't think for a second that it could be done, and you felt like you weren't good enough. How would your attitude change if you thought of Philippians 4:13 - I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me. You might change the way you look at the situation. You might approach it with confidence, and not fear. And that is just verse in a whole book that God gave you to learn about him, and to learn about your own identity.

Now I don't have any magical answers on how to over come it. Trust me if I knew a way my life will look so different. One thing I can say is that it takes trusting God in all aspects in your life. In my Biblical Foundations class, we have been talking about people who had no reason to trust God, like Abraham, but they believed and God rewarded them. We can trust God, for he only has our best interest at heart.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving me, even when I find it hard to love myself. Help me to trust in you and in who you made me to be. You have such a great plan in mind for me, and even though I can't see it now, I trust you. Amen. 

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