Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Christ Freedom

So as I was doing my homework for my Biblical Foundations class, I found a couple readings interesting. Reading Romans 14, the first thing I notice is that each person has their own faith. No two faiths are alike, and as we interact with other people, we need to be aware of their faith. Not everyone believes that exact same thing as I would, but that doesn’t mean one faith is better than another. One thing about Christ’s freedom is that we are free from the judgment of others. For Romans 14 was talking about each one of us will answer to God for our faith, and how we don’t need to answer to other people. But we do have to be careful not to weaken someone else’s faith with our own. 
Paul talks about, in 1 Corinthians 9, how he may be free, but he is willing making himself a slave to everyone. Paul sets an example of how we are to use our freedom. We volunteer our freedom to serve God and to serve people. God isn’t asking this of us, but because he freed us we show our gratitude by serving him and his will. This way we won’t cause other people or the gospel to stumble. This is how we are to use our freedom in Christ. 
Both these passages talk about the freedom we find in Christ, and how we are to live out this freedom. These passages just stuck out to me, and I hope you can take something from this and apply it to your life. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the freedom I have in Christ. Help me to use this freedom wisely and to bring glory to you. Amen.

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