Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Psalms 119:105

I love Psalms 119:105 which says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light to my path." Many people love this verse, but when they are asked what they have read in the Bible, they can't give me an answer. Or when they are asked when the last time they read the Bible, they haven't read it in a while. Those people are missing the point of this verse. If you don't read the Bible daily, then how are you suppose find the path you are suppose to take. It's like saying that you are going to be a math major, but you don't study math how are you expecting to major in it.  It's not like the knowledge that you need is going to fall out of the sky. You have to make time in your busy day to read the Bible. Just five minutes a day can make a difference. I know that it is hard. I struggle with it some days where I have more stuff to do then there are hours in the day. But if you do take the time to read the Bible there could be huge rewards. You learn more about who God is and his love for us, and the love you reflect to the world. You read great stories of miracles God has done to ordinary people. It is wondrous what God has done and what he can do for you. you also learn about what standards God holds you to, and you learn that you can't reach those standards on you own. You find comfort through the trials in you life, and strength to get through them. All of this and more can be found in the Bible, you just need to read it. If you are struggling, here are some pointers to help you, so that you can know the word of God, and you can follow the path God wants you to take.

~Find someone to hold you accountable.
~Instead of flipping randomly through the Bible, find a devotional you can do.
~Find a set time in the day that you set aside to read the Bible.
~Pray to God to give you a heart that wants to read the Bible. 

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