Wednesday, September 30, 2015

God Made Time

Going into college, one of the biggest questions is  “Who Am I.” Through school up to this point, we have been told what to take, when to take it, and what we should learn from the course.  When you get to college, you get more freedom in what classes you can take, and you get a lot more freedom with what you can chose to fill your free time with. You can very well sit in front of the TV for hours on end, or you can do something that has significance to your growth as a person. How you use your time, shapes how you will use your time in the future, and it shapes what exactly you are going to do as a career. I am writing this as I am sitting in Falls Park, Sioux Falls, an hour away from college. I came out here, to take pictures of the falls, but also to spend time in God’s creation and enjoying what he has made. Now I could have spent time with God in my dorm, and I could have taken pictures of the campus, but there is something in setting aside time, to break up a routine that has been set that helps you grow as a person. Ecclesiastics 3 talks about how there is a “season” and a “time” for every “matter under the sun.” Sure there is time to do school work, and time to do TV, but there is time to explore who you are and who God made you to be. There is also time to break the routine that you may be stuck in and try or go somewhere new. Trust me there is enough hours in the day to explore who you  are and who you are going to be, you just may need to use your time more wisely.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving me my interests. I pray that I can use my time wisely to use my interest to glorify you. Thank you for the free time you give me, and I pray that I can make the most of each minute, whether it is studying, sharing your love, or just relaxing. Amen.

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