Saturday, February 7, 2015

Song Break Down - Rise

So this wasn't originally going to be the song that I would write about today, but after the activity in English, I could not do this song. We are reading Howards End by E.M. Forster in English, and the big theme from the book is about connection. The activity in class was coming up with different ways that we connect with people in different situations. "Rise" to me is a song all about connecting to people, either people who hurt you, or who are there to help, and connecting with God

The first verse of the song, talks about the pain that you experience when you have had a failed connection. "What happened to your life/It's more than makeup staining your eyes/You wanna be in a better place/Say you don't wanna live this way/All alone." I hear the first verse and I see someone in a corner trying to hide from the outside world because they had been hurt by it so much. I know that all of us who go through pain that we pray that God will take away. The thing is that in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and sin entered the world. It is because of sin, that we go through pain, and heartache, and broken trust. That is why it says that in Heaven that there would be no pain because there is no sin. But while we are on Earth we will experience pain, and from that pain it may be hard to make a connection with people outside your little bubble, for you are afraid of getting hurt again. But let me say that living like that is a bad way to live. I was hurt when my best friend moved away, and I cut the world off from me. Now I'm living with the consequences. I don't like walking up to people to start conversations, and I'm not the person to put her input in during a group conversation. I am even afraid to email or text people, even though I may never know what they think of what I wrote, I am still afraid that they will write back and insult me based off of what I said. But "Rise" doesn't end with verse one.
Verse two really talks about overcoming that pain that you have felt. "So hard to watch you bleed/Your fragile heart ripped at the seams/You gotta try to help me understand/But first you're gonna have to let me in/No, you're not alone." This verse is so amazing in it's message. As Christians, we are to make up one body, a body that is to be there to help you. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." As brothers and sisters in Christ we are there to encourage one another, but to do that we need to open up and be honest about the pain in our lives. I remember that when I first started going to leadership Bible study, I would have to write on the top of each study, "Speak, people care to hear what you have to say," and for those who think I'm joking I'm not. I was so shy and I didn't want to speak, but after a couple weeks of writing that down, I started to speak more and more, and now I look forward to the Bible studies, and I now I have a group of people to encourage me, all because I let them in, and I shared my pain with them. There are people out there who want to connect with you. You will still feel pain because of the sin, but know that you are not alone. 

Another cool part in this song is the chorus. "When your heart is cold/And when you feel you're letting go/You can rise above the world below/Rise tonight, tonight." now the chorus is talking about how you can rise above all the pain through  connecting with God. You now have the support from other Christians, but now you have to believe that God is waiting for you to connect to with Him. John 16:33 says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." When Jesus died upon the cross for our sins, he overcame the world. This verse fits perfectly with this song, because you see the pain from sin, but the song also talks about how God overcame the world, and that is there to give you peace in your storms, and to help you rise above the problems that you are facing. You just have to trust him. You are never alone in your struggles, for you have God, and you have people out there who want to connect with you to help you. The bridge of the song talks about when you rise above the storm in your life. I would go into detail, but I think that it is written so beautifully that it doesn't need to be explained. So I leave you with the bridge to "Rise."

There's a light, a hope in your eyes
Like a star burning in the sky
There's a fire you can't hide tonight, oh

Dear Heavenly Father,

I know that in this world that I am going to face trials, and pain. Help me to believe that you have overcome the world. Thank you for putting the people in my life that want to help me, and I pray that I will be able to connect with them so that I won’t be alone in my pain. Thank you for being there through every storm, and through all the pain. Amen. 

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