I think more of us should be like the young girl I met in Walmart last night. I had dropped a pack of tomatoes and they popped open, and this girl bent down and picked every last one up, and smiled when she gave them to me. She didn't think twice, she just did it. I bet that some of us would have walked around, or we would have felt obligated to pick them up. It is amazing how God can put one person in your life for a moment and they can make a huge impact. My family have problems when we all go shopping, and we were on each other nerves before we even got to the store, but conflicts and tensions happen. This girl totally lifted my spirits an I didn't feel so tense afterwards. It's amazing to think about that every moment of interaction can make a difference to someone else. This reminds me of Matthew 25:35-40. The first part goes, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Most of these occurrences where we have the opportunities are just spur of the moment opportunities. We don't always plan to feed someone who is hungry, or give them water or a place to stay, but we just do it, or we should just do it. We become trapped in our schedules or our thinking or whatever it is, and we miss the opportunity to feed someone, or give them cloths, or pick up their tomatoes. Sometimes, it takes us just doing something without thinking, to create these moments that change someone's life. You never know what the other person is going through and you don't know how much of an impact that your action will have on them. But you have opportunities to impact people's life with little things and it is very rewarding.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for placing people in my life, whether it is to impact me, or to impact someone else. Help me to take advantage of every opportunity you give me to impact someone's life and to show your love. Help me to not think, but to just follow you and to listen to everything you are telling me. Thank you Lord. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for placing people in my life, whether it is to impact me, or to impact someone else. Help me to take advantage of every opportunity you give me to impact someone's life and to show your love. Help me to not think, but to just follow you and to listen to everything you are telling me. Thank you Lord. Amen.
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