Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Conversations with our Friends

Most the time when we are with our friends, we talk about whatever we want. Whether it is boys, or school, or people you don’t like, there is never a dull moment when you talk to your friends. But what are you saying when you talk to your friends? Are you constantly complaining, or are you looking on the bright side of life? Are you bringing your friends down, or are you building them up? How you talk and what you talk about is very important if you are going to show the light of God. Colossians 4:5-6 says, “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” We are suppose to making the most of every opportunity we have with our friends. When the quote says to be full of grace, that doesn't mean that you focus on the negative things in life, but we are to focus on what is good, righteous, pure, gentle, and so on. When you talk about these things, you will stick out from the rest of your friends, but that then gives you a chance to talk about God. When the quote talks about how we are to season everything with salt, that is instructing us to turn everything back to God. If you at least bring god up in some of your conversations, then that gives your friends a chance to ask more questions. Lastly, we are friends with these people for a reason. And while we are friends we get to know each other very well. God is saying to use what you know about a person so that way you can meet them where they are to share the gospel. If a friend is really in to music, then playing some Christian songs might be better than just talking to her. I mean, who knows a friend better than a friend. So take time today to evaluate your conversations you have, and then start being a light to your friends.

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