Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Many people have siblings and they can either be your friend or your enemy. Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." A different version of the Bible says, "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." God puts certain people in your life not to be enemies but to be a friend and help you grow. It can be great to have a sibling as a friend. They know what is going on at home. Also because siblings normally live in the same home, you don't need an invite to come hang with them. My brother and I are friends. We love to hang out in our basement, and we generally love the same shows on T.V. We each help each other with our homework. Of course we fight, but fights can happen between anyone. If you look at some of the bands out there, they are comprised with siblings. The Jonas Brothers are three brothers, and R5 has four siblings in it. When siblings work together, they can do some amazing things.
But when siblings don't get along, it doesn't only effect the siblings but it can effect their parents or their kids. My mom really can't stand one of her sisters. At the beginning of summer our family was supposed to go to California to go visit our grandpa. But our aunt that mom doesn't like was going out too. so we had to change all of our plans and go later in the summer. That upset my brother and me because we had to wait, and it upset grandpa, because he didn't understand why we switched the date.
Siblings can be a friends and help build each other up, or they can be enemies and cause problems to the whole family. If you have a sibling who is your enemy, it is never to late to make them your friend.

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