Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Small Things in Life

One of my favorite parables is the Parable of the Bags of Gold. (Matthew 25:14-30) One reason why I like this parable because it talks about taking what you have been giving and putting it to use. In the parable there are three servants. The first two put the bags of gold that they have been given to work/investment and because of that they made more money for their master. The third servant hid the money that was given to him, and he did not make any extra money for the master. The first two servants were given more to be in charge of because they wisely used what was given to them. The third, on the other hand, had everything taken from him because he didn't invest what was given to him.

When I read this parable, I think about using the gifts that God has given us to benefit his kingdom. He puts us in places that may seem insignificant at the time but they can help you in the future get to where you want in life. For example last year as my work study, I worked in the commons. It wasn't the most glamorous job on campus, but I made sure that I worked on it to the best of my ability. Then I was offered a job as a football filmer. It was more related to what I wanted to do, which is to work with cameras. After working hard at that, God than gave me the opportunity to next semester work for one of my professors as their TA. Now at the beginning of freshman year, I didn't expect to ever be in a place where I would be working right along side my professor. But I worked hard at the jobs that God provided, and when he saw that I could invest what I have been given to do more, he gave me more.

I have to admit, none of us want to start at the bottom. It will be so much easier to start at the top, but we need to show that we can be responsible for what God has given us, and then we can move up the ladder. So no matter what you are doing now, work at it with all you heart as if serving the Lord and not man. (Colossians 3:23)

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving me these jobs that may not always be what I desire, because I know that by doing well at them that I can than be trusted with more. Help me to work where I am placed with out complaining so I may bring glory towards your kingdom. Amen.

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