Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Grateful Attitude

One thing that has continuously been coming up in my life, whether through devotionals, church services, Bible studies, or TV shows, is being grateful. And more importantly being grateful when times are hard, or we are completely stressed. In a book that I am reading for Bible study, the author talked about how we have to work at being grateful, but when we are grateful for the things that we have, we find more joy in life and we aren't as stressed.

One thing that is hard is when we are down or stressed, we don't often know what to be grateful for. I have some suggestions for you to think about when you are looking for something to be grateful about.

-Look around the room you are currently in. Find something that you can't live without, or something that you find enjoyable, and give thanks to God for whatever it is.

-Go though your phone and find a conversation over text, or pictures you have of a friend. Give thanks to God for that person, and all the good memories you two share.

-Browse the internet, and find the sites that you spend most of your time on. Give thanks to God for the websites that you spend hours on.

-Find a modern piece of technology that you use on a daily breakfast. Give thanks to God that you live in an age where there is technology.

-Go through your closet and find your favorite outfit. Give thanks to God for all the cute clothes you can wear.

There is a lot to be thankful for, we just have to go out an look for it. And when we feel grateful for what we do have, the worry of the things that we don't have begins to shrink and that stress will fade away.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for dying for me on the cross. That you for all that you give me even though I don't deserve it. Help me to be grateful even during the days where I am stress and tired. Amen.

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