Saturday, March 26, 2016

Best Part About Atlanta

This is going to be my last post about my week in Atlanta serving at God's Farm. Probably the thing I am going to take away the most from the week in Atlanta are the great people I met and got a chance to know. I am not the person who is going to be followed around by a swarm of people, so whenever I can get the opportunity to spend time away from the routine of life and get to know people I otherwise wouldn't have known, I totally love it. There is so much that I learned from these folks in just a weeks time.

1) I remember that one of the first nights together, we went around to each person, and we said what each person was good at, for it is easier for other people to see your strengths than you can sometimes. I remember when they were talking about me, someone said outgoing. I couldn't believe what they were saying. I am not outgoing. But I got to think about it. For the longest time, I always thought that I was so shy and quiet. I started to wonder what would happen if I thought that I was outgoing. Ever since that night, I have been trying to think of myself as outgoing, and I can say that I have stepped out of my comfort zone and had conversations with people, which is huge for me.

2) I also learned that you can disagree and still be friends. So many people today end friendships after a little disagreement. We would have Biblical debates and we may not have agreed at the end but we respected our differences, and it didn't cause a rift in the group. Those kind of people are the people who are fun to hang around for you can grow in your belief without losing a friend.

3) For one of the first times this year, I felt like a college student. The beginning of the year, I kept to myself and stayed in my dorm. But that week and the week after, I started to get out more and hang. Last night we went to a donut shop in the next town over to get donuts at midnight. It was a total blast. I realize I can have fun and just hang out and not compromise on school work. Both of them can be accomplished.

There is so much more that I learned from them too, but I feel like my post is already getting too long. And if any of the people from my PLIA team is reading this, you guys made an impact on my life. Thanks.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for my PLIA team. Help me to take all that I have learned from them and put it into practice in my life, so I can have the same effect on the people around me. Thank you, Lord, for a great week serving in Atlanta, Georgia. Amen

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