Saturday, March 19, 2016

Back From Atlanta-Lake at Night

As I am continuing to talk about my trip to Atlanta, I want to go back to speak of the lake.One night during the week, my friends and I walked to the lake at night. She was going to do devotionals, and I was going to listen to Christian music while sitting on the dock.  I took my socks and shoes off so I can dangle my feet in the water. At first, I couldn't reach the lake. So I moved closer to the edge of the dock, and my toes touched the water. It was dark outside because it was night so that I couldn't see the water, but I knew it was there. The same thing happens with God. We can't see God, but we are aware he is there. We have to trust that he is there.

Another part of the-the lake is that when you disturb the water, ripples are created. We know this because when we throw stones in the daylight, we can see the ripples. The same thing happens at night, and we just can't see them. Except every once and a while. It was a clear night outside, so I could see the reflection of the stars on the lake. When I touched the water and sent ripples out, I could see these stars move just a tiny bit because a ripple is just passed by the reflection. I feel like the same thing happens whenever we do anything. Every action we have has a ripple effect on the people around us. We may not always see it, though. There are times that we do it see the ripple, and it is important to note what mark we are leaving on people. Are we affecting them in a way that glorifies the Lord, or is we leading them down the path of sin?

An example of this is found in the people we met at God's Farm, where we worked. They were so full of God's love that they impacted us. Then when we got back, all we could talk about was the people we met because of the impact they had on our lives. The ripple then continues out from there. We don't always know who the ripple is going to affect. So whenever we do or say anything, we have to pay special attention to what is going to be the ripple effect.

Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for placing people in our lives that impact us. I pray that whoever I meet, that I can leave a positive influence that will ripple through the people they met. Amen. 

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