Thursday, November 12, 2015


So the past couple of days I was rather sick, which is why there wasn’t a post on Wednesday. Wednesday I decided that I would take a day of rest. I know Sunday’s are for rest, but I turned Sunday’s into my day to get all my homework done. Then Tuesday when I was really getting sick, I decided to work through the pain, and go to all my classes, and over exert myself. That is why when I woke up Wednesday, I decided that I just need to let my body rest in an effort to let my body recover from all the pressure I put on it.
Now if you were to stop and examine your own life, how much rest are you getting? Most students in college and high school aren’t even getting a full night sleep. A time set aside for you to rest, and we waste it by staying up late. It is said that a normal person needs 7-8 hours of sleep. 3-4 hours is not cutting it. It’s not enough to allow your body to recharge. On Sunday’s, are you allowing your body to rest from the week of work, or are you doing all your work on Sunday. God even rested on the seventh day, and we should to.
As I finish up this post, I encourage you to find time on Sunday to rest, and to actually get 8 hours of sleep one night this week. Allow your body to recharge. Mark 6:31 says, “And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourself to a desolate place and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.” God is calling us to rest our bodies every once and a while from the toils of work. Take some time this week to rest.  

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for allowing us time in our day to rest. I pray that no matter how busy my week may get that I can find time to rest my body. Amen. 

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