Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thirty Sayings Of The Wise-Saying 21

I don't know how many of you are an architect, (or want to be one) but I think we all know the basics of building a house. First, you need a solid foundation, then you need the actual structure and then you need to decorate it and make it yours. Today's saying is about how we are to build our spiritual house. Saying 21 goes, "By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures." This verse is pretty straight forward when it describes what you need to build a house: wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. But I want to break down what exactly is these three components.

Wisdom-Wisdom is your foundation. For us our wisdom is knowing that we are all sinners, that we all mess up and fall short of the glory of God, and how Jesus came down to earth and lived a perfect life to die for our sins. That is the wisdom you need to build your foundation. Your foundation is the gospel.

Understanding-Understanding God's love for you, and how constant God is builds the walls and roof of the house. God is constant, never changing, and when we understand that, then our walls become constant and unchanging. Just like your actual home is to keep you safe and protected and loved, your spiritual home has these characteristics built right into the walls, because those are traits of God.

Knowledge- Know this is where the fun part begins. Any Christian has the wisdom of God, and they have the understanding in the walls, but what separates you from everyone else, is the knowledge that you put inside you spiritual home. If you have little knowledge of what actually is in the Bible, than you house will be bare. But if you have lots of knowledge of what is in the Bible, than you house fills up. Your bed can be built on the knowledge that David beat Goliath and the hope that God can use anyone to do something big. Your kitchen can be built of the parables that Jesus told in the gospels. We can see that knowledge is an important thing to have, because it is what makes your house a home, and it turns Christianity into having a relationship with God.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your wisdom, understanding and knowledge. I pray that you can help me build a strong foundation of wisdom, with sturdy walls with understanding, and a house full of nice things built of knowledge. You laid it out so plain right here, and know that I know what I need, help to work towards building a better house everyday, especially when it comes to decorating the inside with knowledge. Amen

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