Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Forgiveness-Part One

 I going to change somethings in my posts. Starting with this post, I'm going to add a prayer at the end that you can pray after you read my post. 

All of us sin everyday. Some of the sins are what we can "small" sins like lying. But there are sins that are "big" and they are hard to move past. For some of us, we feel like we have messed up so badly that God can never forgive us. But this feeling can cause more damage to our relationship with God. When we feel like we can't be forgiven, then we try to hide from God, and eventually we stop reading the bible, and stop praying. The thing is, if you actually kept reading the bible you might stumble across 1 John 1:9 which says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." This verse doesn't say he will forgive us of some of our sins, but it says our sins, which include any sin that you had committed. When  we feel like our sins won't be forgiven, then our relationship begins to crumble. But our relationship doesn't have to take a turn for the worse because our sins are forgiven so we don't have to try and hide them. God forgave you of all your sins, when Jesus died on the cross for us. There is no sin that God won't forgive. 
I know I have mentioned this before, but we did this activity in church again and it was amazing. What we did was we wrote our sins on a piece of paper, and we stuck the paper on the nails on the cross. Then during worship, they lit the papers on fire, and the papers were gone in an instant. With the papers gone, that symbolized that all our sins were forgiven. Now you may not do this at your church, but even if you do it by yourself, it is very refreshing just seeing our sins being forgiven. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
       Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins, and how your forgiveness is new everyday. I know that I have messed up in the past, yet you forgive me every time that I ask for forgiveness. Thank you for being faithful, and for your love for your children. Amen.

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