Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rooted-Delights in the Law

So if you had read Psalms 1, there was a clear distinction between the man who walks with God, and the man who walks without God. Focusing in the man who walks with God, we see that in verse 2a that "his delight is in the law of the Lord." I want to take some time today to talk about what it means to take delight in the law of the Lord. Most of the times when we think about laws, we see them as something to hold us back, or something that we are obligated to do or obligated not to do. Most of the laws we have in today's society is do not do this or do not do that. It becomes a huge list that we need to follow, and it can often times be very hard to follow it. But God's law isn't like that. If we were to look at the two greatest commandments, we will notice something different. They don't list things you shouldn't do, but instead they list what you should do. Matthew 22:37-39 says, "Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'" God's law is written to be positive, not to put you down with a list  of things you shouldn't do. It is there to remind you and encourage you on your walk with God. That is why a man who is with God delights in the law for he sees the encouragement that is in place to help him on his walk.
Now I know that it is difficult to find that joy or encouragement in the law for that is not how we are trained to think, but when you take time to read the Bible and to understand what God is saying, then it slowly starts to become encouraging. Sure it takes time, but it will be very helpful as you continue your walk with God in whatever stage of life that you are in, to have a place to find encouragement.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for writing your law in such a way that we may find encouragement as we walk with you. I pray that you will help me to study the Bible, and I ask that you help me understands what it says. Thank you for the encouragement, and I pray that I will be able to delight in your law. Amen.

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