Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Back To The Basics

I don't know how many of you have heard about the paleo diet, but for those who haven't, the paleo diet is a diet where one eats only things that a caveman would have eaten, like nuts, berries and meats. You don't eat any processed foods, or any sugars, or any dairy. Many say this is a healthy diet because it cuts out the unhealthy foods that we eat. 
Now what if we took our relationship with God and stripped it down to the core, just like the paleo diet does. The early followers of Christ, had at most the Bible to go off of for their faith. They didn't have all the devotionals, and books, and articles that we have to go along with their faith, all they had was the Bible. Now don't get me wrong, having those things can be very helpful in our relationship with God, but they shouldn't be the only thing we rely on. All these other sources are the sugars and the breads in our diet, and sometimes they are over powering the nuts, berries, and meat, that are critical for survival. Matthew 4:4 says, "But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”" As believers we can't just rely on what other people say on a topic, but we have to rely on what God says, and that can only be found in the Bible, which comes from God himself. Man can merely interpret what God meant, and sometimes we are right, and sometimes we are way wrong. If we are just relying on outside resources, then we could easily be fed lies and deceits that don't fit with what God says. That is why it is important to read and understand the Bible so that you can compare what you are being taught and how it fits with what God says. 
Now for many of us, just reading the Bible is difficult and it sometimes can be rather boring. But I challenge everyone who is reading this, including myself, to take some time to just read God's word. Ask God before hand to show us what we need to learn for the reading, and for understanding of what the scriptures say. It may be difficult, but without a little challenge there would be no way we would grow in our faith as believers. So take some time this week, and read God's word. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your word to guide us in our lives. Help me to put more emphasis on what you say, instead of what man says about the Bible. I pray that as I read this week that you will grant me with understanding of the reading, and for an insight to more of who you are, and who I am in you. Amen.

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