Saturday, May 23, 2015

Clean Room

Growing up, I bet most of us were told at some point to go and clean our rooms. We then went to go clean our rooms, even if we didn't want too. Then as soon as we clean our room, it would turn back into a mess in a few days, which would require you to clean your room again. The funny things is that when our rooms was a mess, we are still able to find still able to find the things we are looking for, they are just buried beneath all the stuff, that has piled up.
The funny thing is that our lives are like our rooms. We work to organize and tidy up our lives and to work on living for the Lord. But soon after we figure it out and get it in order, it gets buried under the chaos of everything that is going on. We could one day be confident in who God is and what he has planned for you life, but a few days later, that confidence could be buried under doubt, fear, and confusion. The things is that characteristics like that don't go away. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." When you seek God, things like confidence, self-discipline, love are a few things that are added to you by God. Once they are added, they can't be taken away. No where in the Bible does it say that if you mess up enough, then God will start to take away from you. That is not who God is. We all have these characteristics in us through the Holy Spirit. They just get buried by the mess in our lives, just like how things in our room get buried by other stuff. We have to keep searching for these characteristics from getting buried, and sure it will be difficult to more the layers of stuff that we have placed on top, but we can do so much, and it just requires finding the faith that we bury deep down.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for adding so much to my life. I pray that when the life gets crazy, and all that you have given us is buried, tat you will help us to find the gifts you have given us. Thanks for always being with us, even when we feel separated by the stuff we let into our lives. Amen.

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