Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Auto Pilot

I don't know how many of my readers drive, but sometimes when we drive, we turn on our auto pilot. We just drive, the same route over and over again and we can just drive it without thinking. When we are driving on auto pilot we don't think about where we need to turn, we just do it, even if it is the wrong turn. I was driving my friend home from practice, and I turned like I was going to school. I got lost, and I had to admit to my friend that I needed my friend to help me to get her to her house. Driving on auto pilot can be dangerous, and it can get you lost. 
When it comes to our relationship with God, we throw on the auto pilot when life is easy. But then an unexpected turn comes up, and you get lost. You drive off the path, where it is easy to fall into temptation. We can try to find the path again, but eventually we need someone to come up beside us to guide us back. It is often hard to admit your mistake, but having someone by your side who knows your flaws is handy.
There is a way to avoid making a wrong turn. Turn off the auto pilot. Proverbs 4:25 says, "Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you." If you focus on the road, and the task at hand, then you know where to turn. You can see that you are making a wrong turn, and change lanes before you make the wrong turn. If we are focused on our relationship with God, then it gives us a chance to grow. 
So are you driving on auto pilot, or are you able to turn it off?

Dear Heavenly Father,
I now I get distracted, and it is so easy to turn on that auto pilot. Please help me to keep the auto pilot off. I don't want a relationship where I just float through it, but I want a relationship where I am fully focused, and attentive. Even when I make a wrong turn, thank you for your patience as I try to find my way back. I pray that you would send people to help me find the path at the right time Lord. Amen.

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