Saturday, October 5, 2013


Test are an everyday part of going to school. It's this constant cycle of studying for a test, taking the test, and then reviewing what we missed on the test. Sometimes we pass the test with flying colors, and some times we completely bomb the test. Our relationship with Christ is also a never ending test. The difference is that Christ's test are worth more then a grade on a high school transcript. Psalms 139: 23-24 says, "Search me, O God and know my heart: Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the everlasting." Now there are many parts to this verse. The "Search me" part, is the part of finding out what we don't know. This is right before you take the test. The next part, "Test me," is the actual test. God will put some event in your life, to test you on how will you react. The last part, "Lead me," is the part where you review the test and fix your mistakes. Now if you go through the whole test and you don't try to review and fix your mistakes, then the test is point less. God wants us to learn where we need to grow, that is why He gives us these test.
I know that some of our least favorite this to do in life are test, but are you taking God's tests  seriously enough to change your life?

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