Wednesday, February 17, 2016

God's Redemption Story

In my Biblical Foundations class, we are talking about God's redemptive plan through the Bible, especially in the book of Genesis. Genesis begins with God’s sovereignty and then proceeds with the fall of not just humanity, but the fall of the world. Before the flood, God makes sure that every animal that he has made according to their kind in the creation account was invited on the ark. After the flood, God makes a covenant with Noah, his sons, and all of Earth that he wouldn’t destroy life by a great flood. He then reestablishes his blessing on creation to fill the Earth and multiply. With Noah, God focuses on redeeming the whole world after he purified the Earth with the flood. With Abram, God focuses on specifically  redeeming humans, for they are the ones who caused the sins. With this overall theme, the rest of the Bible goes into detail on how God is redeeming what is his and setting his people free from the chains of sin. God moves his people to pagan countries and immerses them in their culture, to prove that up against their gods, he is the only God. Understanding God’s power in the creation of Earth is just the beginning of what God can do, and throughout the Bible, God shows people like Abraham, Paul, and his disciples, the true power of God, and how he is in control of everything that he has made and that he is bringing everything back to himself. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for redeeming us even after we turned away from you. I pray that I can see you love and grace and come running back towards you. Amen. 

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