Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Everything Wrong

So there are these videos on Youtube that pretty much go over everything that is wrong with a movie. I first saw these with my roommates showed me one for Star Wars. It's funny because the videos for Episode I-III have two videos per episode. I got the sense that he didn't like the first episodes at all. He goes into a lot of detail of everything that he believes is wrong. After watching the videos, I can say that I don't agree with all of what he says. For one, I actually liked the first Episodes of Star Wars. (Yes, I am weird.)
After watching these videos, I was thinking about how easy it is to find the things that are wrong with someone else or even about ourselves. It is easy to focus on the negative. I bet in 10 seconds you can come up with a list of everything that is wrong with you. But if all you focus on are the negatives, then it can be hard to get up in the morning. But when you focus on the positives, it can be a lot easier to live your life for God, for you are focusing on the amazing things that he has done. So try it this week. Focus on the things that are right and not the things that are wrong.

Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for all the love you gave, and for making us in your image. I pray that I can focus on all the good you have done for me. Amen. 

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