Saturday, February 1, 2014

Broken Perfection- Part Two

Wednesday, I talked about how God sees us verses how we see ourselves.Today, I want to give you the opportunity to believe that you are made to perfection.

The first picture today is a reflection of the perfection to the word believe. We can know that God sees us a perfection, but if we don't first believe that it is true, we won't be able to reflect who God is in our lives. When we believe that Jesus died for our sins, then we believe that Jesus was the one true reflection of who God is. Colossians 1:15 says, "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation." Jesus is the one true reflection of who God is. It is when we believe that Jesus is that one true reflection, then it is possible to see the true reflection. The picture below is the true reflection once you believe. And when you believe you don't turn out as just a reflection that is upside down, but you are turned right side up, so that you can be truly perfect. You weakness or shortcoming, began to seem like perfection that only you have.

Once you believe that you are perfect, then it slowly becomes easier for you to accept your short comings. God made us each for an individual task that only you can do. God made you with your short comings so that you will be able to live out God's will. For example, let's say one of your short comings is the inability to focus for a long period of time. You practice, and work hard at trying to lengthen your attention span. You will have your successes and your failures, and one day, you may be able to help someone else with the same problem and offer any advice you have.
Bottom line, you are perfect just the way you are. God made you to be who you are, and you just need to believe it, and once you believe it, you start to see your weaknesses as perfection.

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