Saturday, February 15, 2014

Willingly Giving

Growing up, we all learn that we need to give.  We are suppose to give our time, money, or resources to the needy.  I feel like that has fallen out of style as we have grown up.  I mean some of us volunteer, and I'm not saying to stop doing that, but when it comes to everyday life, we don't tend to give.  I know that in my school, one of the programs you can take require you do volunteer for 75 hours junior and senior year.  Some people just get there 75 hours done because it is another thing to do.  I think some of us think that if it doesn't count for those hours then why do it.  If it meant that we might make a few enemies along the way, then that's fine.  We would rather make enemies and hold grudges then forgive and give.  This is probably because it is easier to make enemies then it is to give to someone.  But 2 Corinthians 9:6 says, "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."  To put this in modern terms, if you give generously, then it will be given back to you.  If you don't give generously, then you don't get as much back.  Doing 75 hours of volunteering will give you something back, but those 2 minute exchanges that won't show up on a college transcript will also give back. When you combine the two services together, then you are giving generously, and all that you have done will be returned to you.  It may be a year, ten years, or two hours for it to be given back to you, but it will be given back.
To show you an example, I had a experience of given, and getting that back yesterday during Valentines Day.  I had this friend.  We were best friends growing up, but we had a really bad fallen out in the beginning of this year.  It was so bad that for a while we couldn't speak to each other.  I had an extra Casting Crowns "Coming to the Well" CD, that I could give to anyone.  I thought of this friend, because there were some songs on there that I thought she could relate to, and they could encourage her.  So I wrapped it up, and thought what better day to give it to her then on Valentines Day, because she is still single, so she didn't have anyone that will give her lavish gifts.  I gave the gift to her in the morning and she loved it.  Then at lunch, there was a girl making balloon animals, and my friend got me a purple monkey with a banana.  I was talking to my brother about how he should go get me one, but he didn't have to because my friend got it for me.  She didn't know that I wanted one, but she got it for me anyways.  It is so cute, and at the end of the day, my friend and I aren't besties again, but at least we are able to talk again with out it being awkward.
Now this is just one example of what could happen.  You may not want a purple balloon monkey with a banana, but you may like something else.  I shared this story to encourage you to give generously because you never know what may come back to you.

My Balloon Monkey

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