Saturday, December 17, 2016

Finding the Right Gift

Christmas time is the time to give gifts to all of your friends. Many people believe that these gifts have to be big and expensive for them to mean anything. That is not true. Throwing money at a problem doesn’t mean that it satisfies the job. A true gift is a gift that shows how much you know about the person. It reflects how much you care about them. Sure anyone can go to the store and get the newest piece of tech, but it takes a true friend to sit down and listen to the other person to truly understand what they want. Once you understand what they want, you can then decide what to get them, and it may not be the most expensive thing on the market at that time.
So now that you aren’t rushing out to the store to get the newest, most expensive gift, the question becomes “What are you to give them?” Like I said earlier, it depends on the person. If it is a girl the safest bet is still jewelry. But instead of the expensive pendant on a chain, make you own piece. It can be in their favorite color, with a pendant that matches the dress that they never seem to have a necklace for. There are lots of possibilities. Now let’s say, you are reading this and you are thinking, “Kaitlyn, I am just not that creative.” Find what you are good at. If you can write, then write a story for your friend. If you can dance, then create a piece to show to your friend. There are many ways to create a gift for a friend or family. It may take some extra to think about the gift, but it will be greatly appreciated. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending you son down, which is the ultimate gift. I pray that this holiday season that I can show how much I love the people around me. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Very happy you are back posting again. I look forward to the insights you have about God and life. I also look forward to the Christmas gift you have picked out for me knowing me as well as you do. Love you!
