Saturday, July 25, 2015

Working Hard

We all have things that we don't want to do. We feel like they are insignificant tasks that are assigned to us, and won’t affect the people around us if we do them or not. The things is that the Bible tells us twice, that everything we do we need to do it for the Lord. Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Ephesians 6:7 says, “Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” There are people out there who might not notice what you have done, but God will. He sees everything, and he sees how well you did the task that was assigned to you. Ephesians 6 continues on talking about how anyone who does a good thing will receive it back. God rewards us, and even though we may not see the reward right away, it is there. Luke 6 talks about how what you give, whether gifts or the work that you do, God will give it back to you in full. God sees everything that you do, and so do other people, you may just not notice.
At the movie theater where I work, I get shifts where the only thing I do is clean the lobby, or I clean the restrooms. They are not the most glamorous jobs out there, but someone has to do them. Just think if you walked into a building how your impression of the service you are going to receive is reflected in the cleanliness of the lobby. Or think about going to a bathroom that is dirty and a mess. In both cases, if the area was dirty, it would negatively impact the experience that you have. Now I haven't had a guest come up to me a say how clean the bathrooms are, but there are guests that notice if they are dirty. Everything that we do, whether insignificant or not, has an impact, and they need to be done to the best of your abilities, and even if you feel like no one is watching or cares, God is.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for caring about us and the work that we do. I pray that you will encourage me to do my best work in everything that I do, working for you and not man. Thank you for giving back the same that I have giving Lord.  Amen.

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