Wednesday, January 3, 2018

God of the Unexcpected

This Christmas season, one of the themes of the Christmas service at my church was that God is a God of the unexpected and how these traits are found in the Christmas story.

Now most Christians know and accept the Christmas story because we have heard it over and over again. However when the birth of Jesus did happen, it was very unexpected for the people of Israel. When they thought of the Messiah to come, they thought it would be a mighty king, one that would lead them to war to reclaim their land, yet the Messiah came in the form of a baby. That was unexpected for them. They couldn't believe that he would come in a form of a baby, for to them that was totally unexpected.

The thing is God didn't stop then doing the unexpected. Everyday he is doing the unexpected in our lives. The thing is we often don't see it as the unexpected blessing God has for us, but we see it as a hardship, or a curse, or another obstacle we have to overcome. Mary was not expecting to have the messiah, and it came at a bad time for her because she wasn't married and still a virgin, and if word got out, then she would be publicly disgraced. However this unexpected pregnancy was a blessing to her and to the entire world.

So when things turn out the way that you don't expect, do dismiss it as being bad, but wait and see what blessing God can bring you through this unexpected turn in your life.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the blessing you give me, the ones I expect and the ones that come out of nowhere. Help me to change my attitude when the unexpected falls on my life, for it may be a blessing in disguise. Amen. 

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