Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The View of Sin

We all know that sin is in the world. We are all born sinners, and we sin everyday, and we can see sin everywhere we go. But how we view that sin is very important. I have chosen three sins that we all know to compare how God sees sin, and how the world sees sin. The three sins I chose are lies, lust, and murder. Lying is something we all do everyday, sometimes we don't even have to think before we lie. Lust can range from cheating on your girlfriend, or having sex before marriage, or committing adultery when you are married. Murder is a tragic event that most people don't want to have happen to them. Below is a graph that I made to show how the world views the three sins listed.
It is clear that the world views each sin differently. The consequence for lying might be your phone taken away, or you are going to be grounded. The consequence for lust might lead you to prison, or to broken relationships. The consequence for murder could be death, or life in prison. You aren't punished equally for each of these sins. Many of us can lie and get away with it, but you can't get away with murder or lust.
But God views these sins differently than the world does. Below is a graph representing how God views each of these three sins.
God views each of the sins the same. And not only that the consequence for all of these sins are the same. James 2:10 says, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." You can't just chose to not to lust or murder someone, but then you tell a lie in every sentence that you say. According to God, when you lie, you also commit murder, and lust, and worshiping other gods, and gluttony, and every other sin in the universe. The consequence for each sin is death. Now we are lucky because Jesus died for our sins, all of them. But this doesn't mean that you can keep sinning, because every sin that you commit is another sin that Jesus has to carry to the cross, and that is another sin that Jesus has to die for. 

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