Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is a powerful thing. Prayer is the best way to tell God how we feel, whether it is with a debt of gratitude, or a boatload of worry. God loves to hear both kinds of prayers, and everything in between. But I find that most of us pray those small prayers of gratitude, but we don't really cast our cares to the Lord. We would have control of everything in our lives, and we don't want to lose that control. But Psalms 55:20 says, "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." If you take the time, and you give up control of everything of your life, the Lord will sustain you, he will not let you fall. You are casting your cares in the best hands possible, and he wants you to cast your cares on him.  And the cool thing is, God always hears you. You can pray about a friend, and he hears you; you can pray for a test you have, and he hears you; you can pray for anything and God hears you. Another thing is God always answer your prayers. It may be "Yes" which might be what you want to hear, but it could also be "No" or "Wait." This doesn't mean that God doesn't care about you, he is just able to see more of your life than you can, and at the moment the best thing for you maybe a "No" or a "Wait." I often find the most difficult one is wait, because many of us are impatient. but then I heard this amazing phrase from a friend that goes, "God wait is better than your today." That simply means that if God was to give you what you wanted on the day you ask, it would not be as good as if you were to wait. But no matter what God always hear your prayers, and he will answer you, you just need to take the time to pray, and to give up control/cares of your life.

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