Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Song Break Down - Walk on the Waves/ Through All of It/ Back to Life

So this is the last week of this series. For the second to last post, I am going to do a collaboration of three songs, and I know that it is kinda long, and I apologize for that now. There are so many good songs off of Colton Dixon's albums, that it is hard for me choose just eight to write about, so I encourage you to listen to all of the other songs that I am not going to cover. But as I was deciding on what songs I should write about. I noticed a theme in some of the songs that actually fits pretty well with the story of Jesus walking on the water. So in the story, the disciples are out on a boat and there is a huge storm. Then they look out and they see what they thought was a ghost, but it was Jesus walking on the waves towards them. Peter then asked Jesus that if it was really Him, then Jesus should ask Peter to come to him.

This is where I am going to start. Matthew 14:29 says, "'Come,' he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the waves and came towards Jesus" So in this one verse, we see Jesus calling to Peter, and we see Peter have incredible faith as he steps out of the boat and onto the waves, where he is walking towards Jesus. Now there is a song called "Walk on the Waves," that touches on what this verse is saying. "Listen close, He's calling your name/Saying walk on the waves/Walk on the waves/You've gotta fight the tide/It's do or die today." This is the end of the first verse leading into the chorus. It starts off by saying that God is calling out for you. In the story, Jesus is calling out to Peter to come to him. God is calling out to you to step out of your "boat" or comfort zone, and to trust Him and walk on the waves. The song continues on to talk about how you need to step out in faith today. In the story, it doesn't say that Peter thought about what he should do and then got out of the boat, but that as soon as Jesus called, he got out of the boat. The same needs to happen with us. If we are called by God to walk on the waves, we need to immediately go like Peter. We can't wait for later because later may be too late.

The next verse in the story goes, "But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!'" So we now see Peter as he is walking on the waves, lose his faith in Jesus and he begins to sink into the water. For many of us who are able to step out of the boat and onto the waves, we face doubt in who God is and we beginning to sink as well, just like Peter. Colton has a song called, "Through All of It," that talks about the up's and down's in our faith. "I have won and I have lost/I got it right sometimes/But sometimes I did not/Life's been a journey/I've seen joy, I've seen regret/Oh and You have been my God/Through all of it" This song is admitting that we struggle everyday in our faith. There are day's where we can walk on the waves, and walk with the faith in what God can do. But there are day's where we do step out of the boat, and we lose faith and we sink. The thing to remember is that God is still God through anything that may be happening in our life. What I love from this verse in the story, is Peter calling out to the Lord to save him. Peter, was sinking, yet he still recognized that God was still there and that he had the capability to save him.  God is there through everything, and he is there for you even when we start to lose faith.

The last verse that I'm going to look at is verse 31 which goes, "Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?'"  This is Jesus saving Peter from the storm, and asking him why he doubted God's power as he was walking on the waves. One of the last song's on Anchor is a song called "Back to Life" and the second verse goes, "You showed up in the nick of time/I didn't think I'd survive/Now my heart is beating/You, everything points to You/I could try to save myself but it's no use/Without You I'm sinking." There is a connection between the song and the verse, because it shows how God will step in a save you. Jesus immediately stepped in and saved Peter, and he is there to save you when you are sinking, and to help get your heart beating and back on fire for God. Now the end of the story is Jesus asking Peter, why did he doubt God, and he is asking you that every time that you lose faith in God. I feel like just because we can't see God, we start to panic and we try to do things our way. The reason why I love this song, is because it talks about the fact that we can't do it on our own and without God we a sinking, just like Peter who lost faith, and Jesus stepped in and he was the one who saved Peter.

Now I know that I have covered a lot, and I know that it may be hard to visualize how you can implement this in your life. So I'm going to see if I can't break it down using an example from my life, and it is the story behind why I started to do this particular Song Break Down series. So one of the colleges that I am applying to is Colorado Christian University. I was invited for a couple of days to a scholarship competition for a full tuition scholarship. Originally I wasn't going to go because I didn't have the time to get everything around that was needed to send in. But I was in my room one day, and I didn't know why but I felt God telling me to sign up for the competition, and I did. But in the weeks leading up to the preview, I started to doubt that decisions, because I would be missing two days of school, and my finals weren't so good, so I needed to be there for school, and at one point, I regretted signing up. I had the faith to step out and sign up, but right now I was doubting that choice so much, and my life was slowly falling to pieces. But one day in the car on the way home from school, and K-Love was just playing in the background, and I heard the add for the Colton Dixon concert that was going to be at CCU, but that day, I actually heard the date, and it was the same date as the competition, and I started to freak out. I was sitting at a red light, and the guy next to me probably thought that I was crazy, but I was so excited for this news. So I went to the competition, and the concert, and you would not believe how much my faith grew in the short time of the concert. I got my life back on track and I fell in love with God again, and I realized that God wanted me to sign up for the competition so that I could go to the concert so that way I can find my faith and my love for God all over again. God pulled me out from the waves that were drowning me and set me on dry ground that night. That is why I decided to do this song break down, and why my post are longer than normal, because it was these songs, that I connected to God and I found what it means to be a believer. So trust me, when God is calling you to step out of the boat, have faith in Him, because there is good that will come out from having that kind of faith. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for always being there to save me when it feels like I am sinking, and that you always step in at the right time. I pray that I will have the faith it takes to step out of my safe little boat, and to walk on the waves, and walk towards you. I know that you have amazing things planed for my life, and I need to have faith that you have everything under control. Thank you. Amen.

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