Saturday, February 21, 2015

Song Break Down - Limitless

I am just going to start off by saying that “Limitless” is my favorite song off Anchor and probably my favorite song Colton has written. I just love the way the song is written, as well as the message that is in it.
The song starts off by just listing a bunch of limitations. “Too young, too old/Too shy, too bold/Too average/To make a difference/The world's too big/And you're too small/If you try to fly/You're gonna fall” Now I thought that it is weird to start of a song like that because, the listener immediately is thinking of all of their limitations. The first time that I actually heard this song, I heard the first verse, and then for the rest of the song that was all I thought about. It took me a couple of times of listening to actually hear the rest of the song. But I think that the first verse is placed correctly in the song, for it lays the foundation for the rest of the song. It gets in your head where exactly you stand with your limitations, and then the song builds from there the fact that you are limitless. I mean it is easy to feel limitless when you are in a good mood, but it is maintaining that belief through the bad times, and through your flaws, that is what is important.
The second verse in this song counters the idea of the first verse by listing things that aren’t a limitation. “No more impossible/So much far too difficult/We know that our God is greater/Oh wake up you dreamers/Become a believers/This is who we are” Just take a minute and think about what we can do if we actually believe that we are limitless. What would change in your life, if you live as if nothing was impossible or too difficult. What would happen if you woke up each and every day and believed that you were limitless. I bet a lot will change in all of our lives.
Now reading about that fact that we are limitless is nice, but we need to know where this is coming from. There is a couple lines in the chorus that explain where our limitless comes from perfectly. “The power of love/Alive in us” I feel that one of the most forgotten pieces of our faith is the power of the Holy Spirit who is with us. After Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit down to us to be our helper. The Holy Spirit is always with us. John 14:26 says, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” This verse calls the Holy Spirit our helper, as well as a teacher and guide for us while we are hear on earth. Our Heavenly Father sent the Holy Spirit down to be with us, each and every one of us. The God of the impossible is here with us in the Spirit, and with his help we can overcome any limitations. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” This verse fits perfectly with this song, because it talks about overcoming all of our limitations through God and the Holy Spirit who is with us. That is where our limitless comes from, and that is what we need to place our hope in everyday.
The bridge is my favorite part of this song, because it is like an anthem that we can sing about the
 power of the Spirit and how we truly are limitless. “Doubt sees a mountain, no way around it/Faith sees a victory, no doubt about it/Fear sees a/ceiling, hope sees the stars/Love be the light inside of our hearts” I have actually had the first part of the bridge up on my chalk board wall, first during the beginning of the school year, and then now. There was a period where that did not grace my wall, and there was a difference in my attitude and in my faith, because all my doubts and limitations began to overtake me, and I wasn't reminded of God's power in me. When we truly believe that we are limitless, then God is able to work amazing things in our life.
 I am also going to be doing other posts that talk about overcoming some limitations to help inspire you so keep checking in today for new posts!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit down to be with us, and to help us. I know that I am Limitless through you, and I pray that you will help me act upon this knowledge. Thank you for your love for me, even while I was still a sinner. Amen.

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