Special: I know that this isn't when I normally post, but this was to important to wait until Saturday.
So at my school's bible study we are doing a series of sharing the gospel. The first week we talked about what the gospel was. I went in front of the club and shared the gospel, and to me it proved that I knew what it was. So the second week, we broke into pairs and practice sharing the gospel. This was to figure how we would start the conversation. That is when I really started to freak out. I can easily get in front of a group and share the gospel any day of the week, but when it comes to having an actual conversation, and one that I would have to start, I just panic and crawl into my shell. So
I just was thinking what am I going to do. I have tried for the past two years just trying to invite a person to come to our club and that hasn't happened. So I told my self that I was going to do it. That night I told myself, "I would rather fail miserably trying, then to spend my whole life in regret."
So over the weekend I was reading my bible, and God showed me a couple verses that I needed to read. The first is Jeremiah 15:19a which says, "Therefore this is what the Lord said: 'If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worth, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman.'" This comforted me because I knew that every word that I spoke was going to be used for God's plan. The next one was Jeremiah 1:6-8 which says, "'Ah, Sovereign Lord,' I said, 'I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.' But the Lord said to me, 'Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,' declares the Lord." Jeremiah was speaking, and God was asking Him to go before Jerusalem because they were not obeying God's commandments. Jeremiah had little confidence that he could do it, but God said to trust him and he would put every word that was needed into his mouth. That goes for all of us. We may not feel like we can do what God wants us to do, but God always have a way.
So today, the club met and prayed before we broke out into teams to go spread the gospel. I was with two of my friends, who are younger then me. So we went into the caferteria, and we found the girl who we wanted to talk to. So the other two decided that I sould go up and start the conversation because I was the oldest. Now the other two are much more outgoing then me, but all three of us were afraid. So I went up said hello, we introduced ourselves, we got her name, and then we were suposed to to share the gospel. So the youngest of the group, had the paper with the basic outline of the gospel, and she handed to me. After passing it back and forth, they played the you are the oldest card, so you should share it. I ended up sharing it, but I didn't use the paper because I already knew the gospel. Afterwards it got awkward fast, so we ended up leaving.
Our first go at sharing the gosple failed misarably, but it was also successful. I mean we did share the gospel with her, which was the goal, but it was awkward and we did just leave her. By having the you are the oldest card played on me, forced me to step outside my comfort zone. If they didn't do it, I would not have spoke a word the whole time. And because I steped outside my comfort zone, I now know what I need to improve on for the next time. Also, a little humilty in my life isn't a bad thing either, it is a way to bring me back to the fact that I'm can't do everything.
So if you are scared of sharing the gospel, just go do it. After we shared the gosple, my group went back to the club room where they were talking about their fears. They were saying that fears aren't from God but the devil. so during one of my classes, I came up with, "The devil only puts fear in your life to stop you, because he knows that if he doesn't stop you, then you can do a lot for the Kingdom of God." So if you don't let those fears rule your life, then you can actually do a lot for the Kingdom of God. And we will fail along the way, like my group did, but you can only get better from your failures. I can't wait to take another swing at sharing the gospel, because I know that God is with me, and that I am stronger from my failures.
So at my school's bible study we are doing a series of sharing the gospel. The first week we talked about what the gospel was. I went in front of the club and shared the gospel, and to me it proved that I knew what it was. So the second week, we broke into pairs and practice sharing the gospel. This was to figure how we would start the conversation. That is when I really started to freak out. I can easily get in front of a group and share the gospel any day of the week, but when it comes to having an actual conversation, and one that I would have to start, I just panic and crawl into my shell. So
I just was thinking what am I going to do. I have tried for the past two years just trying to invite a person to come to our club and that hasn't happened. So I told my self that I was going to do it. That night I told myself, "I would rather fail miserably trying, then to spend my whole life in regret."
So over the weekend I was reading my bible, and God showed me a couple verses that I needed to read. The first is Jeremiah 15:19a which says, "Therefore this is what the Lord said: 'If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worth, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman.'" This comforted me because I knew that every word that I spoke was going to be used for God's plan. The next one was Jeremiah 1:6-8 which says, "'Ah, Sovereign Lord,' I said, 'I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.' But the Lord said to me, 'Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,' declares the Lord." Jeremiah was speaking, and God was asking Him to go before Jerusalem because they were not obeying God's commandments. Jeremiah had little confidence that he could do it, but God said to trust him and he would put every word that was needed into his mouth. That goes for all of us. We may not feel like we can do what God wants us to do, but God always have a way.
So today, the club met and prayed before we broke out into teams to go spread the gospel. I was with two of my friends, who are younger then me. So we went into the caferteria, and we found the girl who we wanted to talk to. So the other two decided that I sould go up and start the conversation because I was the oldest. Now the other two are much more outgoing then me, but all three of us were afraid. So I went up said hello, we introduced ourselves, we got her name, and then we were suposed to to share the gospel. So the youngest of the group, had the paper with the basic outline of the gospel, and she handed to me. After passing it back and forth, they played the you are the oldest card, so you should share it. I ended up sharing it, but I didn't use the paper because I already knew the gospel. Afterwards it got awkward fast, so we ended up leaving.
Our first go at sharing the gosple failed misarably, but it was also successful. I mean we did share the gospel with her, which was the goal, but it was awkward and we did just leave her. By having the you are the oldest card played on me, forced me to step outside my comfort zone. If they didn't do it, I would not have spoke a word the whole time. And because I steped outside my comfort zone, I now know what I need to improve on for the next time. Also, a little humilty in my life isn't a bad thing either, it is a way to bring me back to the fact that I'm can't do everything.
So if you are scared of sharing the gospel, just go do it. After we shared the gosple, my group went back to the club room where they were talking about their fears. They were saying that fears aren't from God but the devil. so during one of my classes, I came up with, "The devil only puts fear in your life to stop you, because he knows that if he doesn't stop you, then you can do a lot for the Kingdom of God." So if you don't let those fears rule your life, then you can actually do a lot for the Kingdom of God. And we will fail along the way, like my group did, but you can only get better from your failures. I can't wait to take another swing at sharing the gospel, because I know that God is with me, and that I am stronger from my failures.
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