Wednesday, October 2, 2013


If you look at the covers at all the magazines, you see young woman that look super skinny, and super beautiful. Then some of us try our hardest to look like them. We would do anything, like starvation or surgery or a ton of make-up. But that isn't the beauty we need to be focusing on. God doesn't see the outer beauty when He looks at you, but He sees your inner beauty. Proverbs 31:30-31 says, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." God sees what is in you heart. If your heart is pure and righteous, then God would consider you beautiful. If your heart is full of hatred and evil, then you're not as beautiful to God. God wants us to be like Him. This doesn't mean to look like Him on the outside, but to look like Him on the inside. If you look like God on the inside you will receive a great reward that won't go away because it is forever. If you focus on your outer beauty and not your inner beauty, then your reward is only temporary and will fade away.
So which beauty do you have, inner or outer beauty?

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