Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Breaking Your Legs

One of the most memorable stories that I remember from high school is the story the leader of the Christian club told of the technique that shepherds did to teach their sheep. If they had an unruly sheep, one that wouldn't listen or follow the shepherd's orders, the shepherd would break the sheep's legs. But they wouldn't just leave the sheep there to die, but he would then carry the sheep with him until the legs healed. Through this process, the sheep would grow in its trust of the shepherd and be able to recognize their voice that much easier. And sure, breaking a sheep's legs sounds difficult, but it is for their good. If they can recognize the shepherd's voice, and follow his commands, it keeps them from walking off cliffs and being eaten by lions.

God is called time and time again that He is our shepherd. And he does the same technique that the shepherds did. There are times where we as his sheep need our legs to be broken so we can turn back to our shepherd and listen to his instructions. He can break our legs with a multitude of different events in our lives, but he doesn't do it to spite us. He is trying to correct us and to bring us back to trusting him and his will for our lives. So, while I know it hurts and can be overwhelming, God is still working for your good.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for looking out for me and what is in my best interest and taking the time to correct me when needed. Help me to trust you in your working for my life, for you know more than I could ever hope to know. Amen. 

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