Daniel 12: 3 "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." What this passage is saying is if you seek wisdom, and righteousness in God, then you will shine like the stars forever. Which is better then shining for a temporary amount of time that will fade away. This also reminds me of some lyrics to a song we sing at camp. "I'd rather have Jesus then men's applause. I'd rather have Jesus then worldwide fame." I believe that if you are famous, but you don't have God in your life, then you have nothing.
This is a poem I wrote for the school magazine. Please read and leave a comment to let me know what you think.
Fame is being know by millions
Adored by all,
Or hated by many.
Fame is being know for one act.
A rescue of a dog,
Or a murder of a friend.
Fame can change a person.
One who is out to change the world,
Or one who is out to take their life.
But what is fame depicted as?
Your name on a bumper sticker.
Tons of screaming fans at your door.
Death letters piling on the floor.
Is fame worth the
Drama? The struggle?
Your name on a sticker?
Isn't it better to do something
Without anyone knowing?
So why I ask you?
Why is fame such a big thing?
True Images Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007. Print
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