What does sexual purity mean? It means waiting until you are married to have sex. This is a really important personal value to me. I want to save this precious gift for my future husband, and I pray that my future husband will save it for me, also. There are these things called purity rings that you place on your left ring finger, and you wear it until you get engaged. You replace it with your engagement ring, and then your wedding ring. In the Bible, God talks about how purity and following his word is important to a healthy relationship with Him. "How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. (Psalm 119: 9)"
I wear a purity ring everyday to remind myself of my commitment to staying pure until marriage. My purity ring is silver with a cross and a rose on it. The story of how I got my purity ring is actually pretty funny. I first found out about purity rings from the Jonas Brothers. I have loved the Jonas Brothers ever since I watched their movie, Camp Rock, for the first time at my friend, Rachel's, house. Only some of my friends even know about my little secret crush on them. Anyway, my mom taped one of their shows for me and on it the Jonas Brothers were talking about how important their purity rings were to them. At the time, I didn't know anything about purity rings so after the segment, I asked my mom what they were and she explained it to me. That weekend I had a purity retreat with my church where I learned more about the importance of sexual purity. At the end of the retreat, I got a charm bracelet with pure written on it. I told my mom that I would like to have a purity ring just like the Jonas Brothers after the retreat! A couple weeks later we went to a Christian Bookstore and we bought one! That was when I was in sixth grade and I wear the same purity ring today. It helps that I have small fingers that never grow!
True Images Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007. Print
Hey Kaitlyn! I just wanted to say that I totally agree with you on abstinence. I don't have a purity ring, but I literally just asked my mom if she would get me one. I really like how you are willing to step out in your faith and not follow the crowd. I know that there are temptations and peer pressure, and I am very happy to hear what your decision is. The only hard part is making sure that you stick to your personal promise for purity. I wish you the best!