One theme I have found here at college is how often people pray that God would speak to them. I hear that prayer so much here, yet I wonder if people actually heard God, how many of them would be willing to do what he says. I recently ran up to this just the other day at praise and worship.
I was worshiping and I prayed that very common pray, "God please speak to me." Then out of no where I had this urge to leave the front row of praise and worship and go stand in the balcony. I was hesitant at first because I was in the front row and it would be awkward to just leave the front row, but after some inner debate, I walked to the balcony and worshiped from there for the rest of the time. It was awkward as i was walking and then finding a spot on the balcony was weird for me.
However, that move had a bigger application later on. There was a time during the praise and worship where we were to talk to those around us about what we wanted to surrender to God. My roommate came out of no where, for she had came late, and she shared some stuff she was going through and had a really good prayer in the middle of worship. Looking back, that moment would not have happened if I hadn't left what was comfortable and walked up to the balcony.
So many times we ask to hear God's voice, but I feel like so many times we hear it but we don't act on it. If we aren't going to do the things God asks of us, then why would he speak to us if he knows we will just ignore him. So what if instead of praying "God speak to me," we pray for the courage and faith to follow his leading, even when it is uncomfortable, and then we might just start hearing God's voice.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for always being there, even when we disobey what you ask of us. Lord I pray that I will have the faith to follow where you call me, and to trust that no matter how uncomfortable it may seem, that you are working for the good in my life. Amen