Wednesday, August 9, 2017

God's Creation

There is many things going on in our lives that we don't take the time to stop and smell the roses. We are constantly looking at our phones or on any screen and we miss the beauty that is all around us. God created this whole Earth from the tiniest plant to the tallest mountain. So I encourage everyone who is reading this to go outside and spend time in the beauty God created, because it is amazing. That and if God can create everything we see and make it all beautiful, how much more beautiful are you.

And since you are staring at a screen, here are a few pictures to give you a glance of God's greatest creation. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Doing What We Don't Want To Do

We all have things in life that we don't want to do. For me it was getting my wisdom teeth out. It wasn't because I was scared of the surgery I just didn't want to have them taken out and be sore and in pain for the next couple of days. The thing is that the stuff that we don't want to deal with might actually hurt us later on in life. In talking with the doctor, if I had left my wisdom teeth in for a long period of time, it would cause more infections and would cause me to remove more than just the four wisdom teeth. So I am glad that I got them out now, so I don't have to deal with those problems later in life.

Now some of things that we are avoiding might not have to deal with getting wisdom teeth removed, but it could deal with, forgiving someone, or talking with someone you haven't talked to in a long time, or a number of other things that we are just putting off. It is better to get these things we are avoiding done sooner rather than later because you don't know how much trouble they are going to cause you later in life. It is a lot better to deal with it today while it is small and manageable, than deal with it later on when it is blown out of control and it is going to be more painful to fix it then. The Bible also talks about how we don't know what tomorrow brings, or if we will have a tomorrow, so it is important to get what needs to be done today done.

So take time today to pray and reflect on what needs to get done that you have been putting off and go out and get it done before it is too late.