Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I got this idea for a blog from an assignment we did in class. We took an online strengths test to tell us what we are good at. This is a short synopsis of what I learned about myself.

One big part of my identity is how I see myself with others. I don’t often talk, but I like to observe people. I like to know their strengths and weaknesses. I can often listen to their stories, even if it is on a topic I have no knowledge on. Over the summer, I worked at a movie theater and often on breaks, and when the theater wasn’t busy, people would come over and talk to me, and most the time I didn’t say a word, but they felt better to have someone listen to them. I also was able to quickly see in my co-workers what they were good at or what they liked doing, So I often would switch tasks with them so that they could do what they were good at, even if they didn’t ask me. This is reflected in my StrenghtsQuest report. My top two strengths are developer and individualization. Both of these talk about, looking for the best in people, and what makes them unique.
Another thing is that I am very creative. I love to paint and draw. I am good at photography, and I am learning how to take good video. I love to think differently and I love to approach problems I may have in a creative view, and it is often a view that most people overlook. I may not always be the best with words, but with pictures, and stories I find that I can get my point across. This is important, because when I am in a debate, or even just a conversation, I need to know how I approach a problem. By using this approach I can then, find the best ways that I can articulate my point so that the other people can understand where I am coming from.
I am a huge Star Wars fan. I originally grew up not wanting to watch the movies, but once I did with my dad, I was hooked. It has been a way for my family to bond. Even today, when a new episodes of Star Wars Rebels comes out, I call my family and we watch it live together. I now love to watch the TV shows, read the comics, and to read the books that are about the Star Wars universe. It amazes me that this universe is created and it fits so well together, and it makes me appreciate what God created more and more. In NISO this year, we are even playing music from Star Wars, and it has been a blast so far as well as a challenge. I can tell you anything about the Jedi Order, and the Sith Lords and the universe as a whole. I am super excited for the Episode IIV to come out. I even painted a lightsaber duel on canvas that is now hanging above my desk in my dorm, and I often get distracted by admiring it. One thing that I also love to do is tie Star Wars back to my faith. Going off the every square inch theme from Kuyper, God is even using Star Wars to bring glory to Him, and I love looking for it.

God gave each and everyone of us ur own identities. When we understand what they are, we can then be better equipped to use them to glorify God. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for our individual identites and gifts. I pray that I can use them for your glory God. Amen.  

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas from the Heart

Christmas time is the time to give gifts to all of your friends. Many people believe that these gifts have to be big and expensive for them to mean anything. That is not true. Throwing money at a problem doesn’t mean that it satisfies the job. A true gift is a gift that shows how much you know about the person. It reflects how much you care about them. Sure anyone can go to the store and get the newest piece of tech, but it takes a true friend to sit down and listen to the other person to truly understand what they want. Once you understand what they want, you can then decide what to get them, and it may not be the most expensive thing on the market at that time.
So now that you aren’t rushing out to the store to get the newest, most expensive gift, the question becomes “What are you to give them?” Like I said earlier, it depends on the person. If it is a girl the safest bet is still jewelry. But instead of the expensive pendant on a chain, make you own piece. It can be in their favorite color, with a pendant that matches the dress that they never seem to have a necklace for. There are lots of possibilities. Now let’s say, you are reading this and you are thinking, “Kaitlyn, I am just not that creative.” Find what you are good at. If you can write, then write a story for your friend. If you can dance, then create a piece to show to your friend. There are many ways to create a gift for a friend or family. It may take some extra to think about the gift, but it will be greatly appreciated. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending you son down, which is the ultament gift. I pray that this holiday season that I can show how much I love the people around me. Amen. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Making Media-Pictures

One thing I know we all have is a phone, and most of them come with a camera. And with this camera, we often like to take pictures of ourselves and friends and post them on social media. Well, with the pictures we take on our phones, we can use to tell of the awesomeness of our God. One thing that I like to do is post a Bible verse or a comment with my pictures glorifying God. Below are some pictures off my phone, and an example of what I would say with each.

I love going to Sioux Falls just to look at God's beautiful creation at Falls Park.

It is always beautiful after the snow has fallen, reminding us of how the Earth is covered by God's love.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the technology we have to capture your beauty. I pray that we can use it wisely to spread you love and to lift people up. Amen.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Making Media- Coloring Books

So the new thing out there right now is adult coloring books. I got one for my birthday and I love it. I like to color the picture, then cut them out and mount them on cardboard. They are great to decorate a dorm with, or give as a gift. You can always write a note on the back, like a word of encouragement or a Bible verse on the back. You can personalize it and make it yours. And it is rather simple, and almost anyone can do it. Below are some of the ones that I did that I already had mounted.


Dog with Frisby

Adult coloring books are a fun way to create your own little piece of art. So go ahead, try it. 

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for the individual gifts that you gift us. Thank you for the art that we can create that we can give to other people to share your love, or just bring a little light into their life. 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Making Media-Poetry

One way to make media is through the written language. Today I want to focus on poetry as a way to share God's love. Below is a poem I wrote, and then some other poems that people have put online. If you are talented at poetry, write a poem and share it on any social media site you have, or you can share it with me and it might end up on my blog.

The Reason Why?
Why did you send your Son,
to die a brutal death?
Why did you send your Son,
in the smallest of life forms?
Why did you send your Son,
to live among the outcasts?
Why did you send your Son,
to this world that had turned away?

You sent your Son,
to pay the price for me.
You sent your Son,
to give courage to the weak.
You sent your Son,
to love all of humanity.
You sent your Son,
to draw the world back to You.

Websites with other great poems.
Christmas Poems
Poetry of Faith
Christian Poems

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of writing and poetry. I pray that I can write in such a way that it will move people closer to you. Thanks for the amazing gift. Amen. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Dear Media Makers

I found this video on YouTube from Anthem Lights. Their song is called “Dear Hollywood.” It is an amazing song that is written in a form of a letter to Hollywood. It is calling Hollywood to open their eyes to the truth right in front of them. That truth is found in Jesus Christ. The song is calling Hollywood start portraying the truth in what it does in the media that it creates.

This song is good, and it has a good point. But it is not just Hollywood’s job to create media that tells the truth. In my Intro to Mass Communications class this semester, the big take away from the course, is to turn students from mindless consumers, to produces of media. And in this day and age, that really isn’t that hard to do in this day and age. You can post a video on YouTube, write a blog, or just post a status update. Every day, we are interacting with media, and we are creating media. So as much as this song is asking Hollywood to start sharing the truth, it is also asking us to create media that shares the truth. Matthew 5:14 says, "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” We are not just to let other people share the truth about God’s love, but we are to partake in the media that is being made around us. So for the next couple of posts, I am going to posts different forms of media that I created, and I pray that you would do the same and share them with me. Let’s create media that tells the truth, and take responsibility for what is put out there.


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your love and your truth. I pray that I can create media that helps guide people to you, and not just wait around for someone else to do it. Thanks Lord for your reminder of your truth in our daily lives. Amen.

"Dear Hollywood" Music Video

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Answered Prayers

I don't know how many of us realize this, but God is constantly watching out for us. I was in Colorado for Thanksgiving and I was planning to head back to Dordt on Monday. The thing was that there was a big storm heading that way Monday. The girls who I was riding with wanted to go back on Tuesday, but I didn't want to miss another day of school. God provided by giving me a ride that was leaving Sunday. My family and I are grateful, because I was back on campus before the storm hit. When it did come, I was able to bundle up in my dorm. I didn't have to worry about getting back in the snow. God provided me with a ride, and I didn't really ask for one. God knew how stressed out my family and I would be if I left later, and he provided me with a ride back on Sunday.
John 10:14a says, "I am a good shepherd. I know my own." God cares for us, like a shepherd cares for his sheep. He knows each one of us, down to the hairs on our head. He wants what is best for us, and he will provide only the very best for his sheep. I was going to settle with missing a day of school, and driving in the snow, but God had something else in mind for me. He knew that it would be better if I went on Sunday, and he provided a way. That is how awesome God is.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for only providing the very best for us. I know your will and plan for my life is better than I can imagine and I trust what you have in store for me. You are the shepherd, and I am your sheep. Amen.