Now if I can be transparent for a minute. I know that when I do these Song Break Downs that I tend to go in depth, more than my normal posts, and my post are really long. Well as a critique from my mom, who reads every one of my posts, she is not a big fan of this series, because it is so academic. I am in the advance English class at my school, and I love to take text or a song, and break it down to it's elements and extract meaning from it, and then write a paper on it. I find that to be fun, but I am realizing that it may not be fun to other people. My last post completely confused my mom and brother, because of how deep it went, and they are both intelligent people. So if it confused them, I know that it probably confused some of my other readers. My mom said that I need to take what I learned, or what I write about and connect it back to life, to take it from the abstract and place it in the concrete. I can easily say that we need to trust God, but unless I give examples, I'm just talking in ideals, and ideals are hard to implement in life. So I am going to try to bring what I learn from ideals and how it can be applied to life in my posts, especially in my Song Break Downs. I would normally do it in the same post, but I needed the extra post to write about what my mom talked to me about, or else the part one would be really long.
The whole last post talked about how it is our time. But it is hard to see how that will play out in our life. So I have complied a list to help you get thinking, and trust me there is more out there than just what I have listed.
-read the Bible to get to know our rock.
-believe in the fact that God is always with us, and that his love is new everyday.
-believe that God sent the Holy Spirit to helps us and to intercede on our behalf.
-go into the halls of our schools, with a heart that is on fire for God.
-stand up for what we believe when our faith comes into question.
-share the gospel in our schools, no matter what the consequences are.
-stop judging who God can save, and who he can't save.
-put everything into our work, as if we are working for God and not man.
-turn away from temptation.
-ask God to free us from the chains that are holding us down.
-believe that God is the master of overcoming the impossible.
-be a light to a dark world through our actions and words.
-claim that we believe in the one true God, and that we will follow Him where ever He may lead us.
-love our enemies, and to pray for those who hate us.
-pray for the people who are in need.
-volunteer our time helping the less fortunate.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being a rock for me to lean on, and thank you for your love that completes me. I pray that I will start now and that I won't stop loving you, and sharing your love with the world. Lord, I want my heart to be on fire for you, and I want to follow you and not the things of this world. I need you strength to help me get through the difficult times in my life, but I know that you are always with me, and that you are my refuge and my shield. I pray that you will use me to share your love to a broken world, whether that be in my school or in my community. Thank you for your renewed love everyday Lord. Thank you. Amen.